Why Seeing 'Hidden Figures' Is A Must | The Odyssey Online
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Why Seeing 'Hidden Figures' Is A Must

“Their path to advancement might look less like a straight line and more like some of the pressure distributions and orbits they plotted, but they were determined to take a seat at the table.”

Why Seeing 'Hidden Figures' Is A Must
Fox Movies

Hidden Figures is a movie that surrounds three women that helped NASA catch up in the space race. This story is very important for the culture because there are no movies out there like this currently. It's very inspirational for not only African Americans, but women in general. Octavia Spencer, Taraji Henson, and Janelle Monae are getting the shine that they deserve

1. Uniqueness

Yes, they have movies surrounding space like Mars or Apollo 13. But do those movies ever focus on the command center? I have yet to see a space movie that’s centered on the people that get the shuttle to launch. Most space movies are focused on the astronauts, which is cool, but I believe that the engineers and scientists that work behind the scenes are interesting as well.

2. Inspirational

Many people, like myself, did not even know women were involved in the space launch. In all the space movies that I have seen, I’ve only seen the depiction of other men running the command center. Because of this, the movie has a refreshing feel! It’s something different than the usual because there are women out there who want to be scientists. I don’t believe that society pays much attention to them. They are more focused on women who want to be in nurturing roles like doctors or nurses (which there is nothing wrong with aspiring to be in these occupations). It’s just refreshing for the little girls who want to be scientists and mathematicians when they grow up to have representation.

3. The Actors

Octavia Spencer and Taraji Henson are two actors that I’ve always admired. Octavia’s work in The Help made me fall in love with her craft. And I’ve been following Taraji since she was in Baby Boy and she’s been showing her versatileness since Benjamin Button days. I think it’s time that we give these two actresses a chance. Also, Janelle Monae has amazing music and this is her second movie but I believe that she will do amazing in this.

If you have the chance to see Hidden Figures during the limited release date on December 25, 2016, I recommend going to see it then. If not, you should definitely check it out on January 6, 2017! This movies is a must.

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