Winnie The Pooh once said, "How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."
Well I have to say that bear I once loved is completely right. Ever since I was little I've had family all around the world, which has made me an expert at saying goodbye. But now as I am older I realize that being an expert does not mean that saying goodbye is any easier.
Living so far away from my family and friends has for sure made me stronger and in a way made my relationship with them a whole lot stronger but it's one of the hardest things I face in my everyday life. This is why when I go back home it for sure is so exciting to be able to see all of my loved ones but there is always that little part of me that knows the goodbye is coming sooner than later.
I've always said I have a love/hate relationship with airports. Being someone who loves to travel I love that airports give me this opportunity, I also love that airports are the first place I reconnect with my family. But on the other hand airports are also the place where I have to say goodbye to them.
But like Winnie The Pooh, even though it's easier said than done, I like to focus on the fact that I have this huge big family back home waiting for me, that no matter how far I go or how long we go without seeing each other I know that they will always be there for me. Goodbyes are hard but we must remember that, although there are different types of goodbye, when you say goodbye or see you later to a loved one it's just another way of saying 'I love you'.
If you are like me and find yourself having a hard time saying goodbye remember that there are always ways to making it easier. I have found that saying a quick goodbye as if you will see them tomorrow makes it easier but it's not easy to do when you both know it's not true. Always remember that with todays technology you won't necessarily stop seeing this person, you can always Skype, FaceTime, have daily phone calls, text, and so many other ways to keep contact with the person. It might not be the same as seeing this person but it's more than nothing and you will still have them in your life even if you can't physically see them.
So yes, I long for the day that I won't have to say goodbye but I know that sometimes it's necessarily, that we won't always have the same dreams and goals which might put miles between us, and that's ok. Goodbyes are hard but they make our relationships stronger, they are just a reminder that we have people who love and care about our dreams enough to let us go on our way to make them come true.