Snapchat has taken over the social media world in the past couple years and keeps getting bigger. Snapchat is a way to keep in contact with friends from anywhere in the world. However, Snapchat may seem like this amazing way to stay connected, but it can also be harmful for mental health. Snapchat became my best friend and my worst enemy.
I would spend my days checking in and seeing what friends and celebrities were doing. I would watch some friends from high school who I rarely spoke to anymore go out and have fun. I would be jealous of their adventures while I sat at home. It became incredibly unhealthy and took a toll on my mental health. I noticed my anxiety acting up more and more. So, I made the decision to cut ties with Snapchat. I debated with this decision, but I knew it was time for Snapchat to go. I was scared that I would be missing out on more with this decision, but it was just an excuse to keep it around. I would not be missing out on anything.
The first few days after deleting Snapchat was hard. I wanted my social crutch back. But, I needed to be strong. I could survive without it. People would tell me that they sent me a snap and wanted me to check it, but I had to inform them that I no longer had Snapchat. I would get confused looks and questions as to why I deleted it. It was hard explaining my decision because I felt like no one understood my decision, but I knew I made the right one.
Spending hours checking Snapchat and constantly refreshing it to see what everyone was up to. I would be jealous of everyone’s adventures and post pictures of all of mine. I would post snaps too often. I eventually backed off with posting, but was still checking all the time. Finally, it got to the point that it was effecting my everyday life and I noticed my anxiety acting up more and more. So, I signed out of Snapchat for a little while. It was hard, but I knew it was the best decision for me. Some days, I missed Snapchat, but I knew it really was for the best. After I finally readjusted to life after Snapchat, I found myself happier. I didn’t have the same jealously and FOMO that I did before. I was curious as to what my friends were doing, but I knew that if I wanted to be included, I just had to ask.
Looking back, I realized that I really wasn’t missing out on anything. I was just missing out on pictures of food or yet another selfie. So, when I felt like Snapchat would not completely consume my life again, I welcomed Snapchat back into my life. I hardly post anything now and I maybe only check once a week or so, but only stories I want to see. I took control of my life and I honestly feel good.