Ross: The Divorce Force.
There are so many different arguments as to who is the worst of all of the friends from "Friends." Rachel, because she is spoiled and somewhat bratty. Monica, because of her obsessive need to win and clean. Phoebe, because she is, somewhat brutally, honest. Chandler, because he makes fun of his friends constantly. Or Joey, because of the way he treats women. But in my opinion, Ross Geller is, by far, the worst of the friends. Not for the somewhat annoying but also endearing little quirks that everybody has, but because of, well, everything about him.
"WE WERE ON A BREAK!" Before even seeing the show, this line is something I knew. First, Ross became an obsessively jealous boyfriend and hounded Rachel over and over because of her new job. Then, when she says that because of this craziness, she needs a break, he storms out, and cheats on her within about two hours. God forbid he be somewhat of a decent person, and try talking to Rachel. He then refuses to take any responsibility for this, insisting to ANYONE WITH EARS that they were on a break!
Not only did Ross break Rachel's heart because of all of this, but then he refuses to let her be happy. Instead of stepping aside and letting her do what she wants, Ross gets drunk and makes the entire situation about himself. It's no longer just that Rachel is happy with someone else, but it's all about Ross not having her anymore.
But when Ross is happy and in a different relationship, why should he try not to rub Rachel's face in it? It's a very Ross thing to do. He sits practically in Rachel's lap while talking to his girlfriend on the phone. "No, you hang up! No, you! No, you!" No, Ross, you.
Similar to the "break" situation, Ross never, EVER seems to take any responsibility for his actions. The end of his first marriage may not have been totally his fault, I will give him that. But he is the one who said the wrong name at the altar at his second wedding. He said "Rachel" instead of "Emily," and still blames everyone but himself.
And he is ALWAYS complaining! Nothing is ever going right in his life. Whether it be his wife that day, his new wife the next, his job, his shoes, his sandwich, Ross will find at least one thing to complain about endlessly.
It's not just me; everyone gets annoyed by this constant complaining. One of the very first lines of the entire series is, after Ross walks into the coffee house, all depressed, and says, "Hi" (asking for attention), Joey says, "The guy says 'Hello' and I wanna kill myself." Ross is bringing every one else around him down over silly, little things. If Ross can't be happy, neither can anyone else!
He also thinks he is the only important person on this earth. EVERYTHING IS ABOUT ROSS! Rachel is sitting with Ross, trying to have a serious conversation, but all he can do is go on and on about the shampoo that spilled all over his bag. HIS LIFE IS RUINED because of a little bottle of shampoo.
And even worse, as Rachel is giving birth to his child, Ross sees this as the perfect opportunity to complain about his headache and how much pain HE is in. Last time I checked, child birth is a lot more painful than a headache.
He also treats all of his friends as if he's better than them. He is the all-important doctor, no one else even holds a spot near him. After moving himself into Joey and Chandler's apartment, changing everything that they have down as routine, he then has the nerve to tell them that they are being too loud for him. You can see the condescending look in his face as he gestures to them like they are 5 years old.
And after dragging them all to his building to try to carry a giant couch through the stairs, he acts like he's the boss and screams endlessly at them. He is then too stubborn and arrogant to admit that his plan will not work.
AND HE NEVER LETS IT GO! Just accept responsibility and get over it! Even if they were on a break, he is still in the wrong for cheating on her just a few hours later! He couldn't even wait A DAY!
You know it's really bad when even Janice can't stand him.