I think that at some point in every girl's life she has watched a romantic comedy, although this is something that we all like to deny that we do, or have done, let's be honest with ourselves. I can honestly say I tried to convince myself and all my friends and boys who liked me that I didn’t like or watch rom coms, but I do, I love everything about them. I love the corny music, the bad pickup lines, the cliché plot. I just love the concept of love and how romanticized the movies make it.
With all of that being said, I honestly believe that they ruin love, especially for young girls. These movies teach girls that you'll be at a fair some day and a boy will jump onto the Ferris wheel and threaten to throw himself off of it if you don’t date him, or that your best friends will confess his love for you on new years eve, or even that love is just easy to find.
I can't even tell you how many movies I have seen that make it seem like a piece of cake, like even if you and the guy you love have absolutely nothing in common, you can make it work. Movies make it seem like an everyday thing that young people or just people at all just happen to come upon love, are able to realize it and end up happily ever after with the person we all were rooting for the whole movie.
That’s just not reality.
Love is a rare thing, it's rare to even find real genuine love in a friend let alone a significant other, it isn't easy to find, or maintain and it sure as heck doesn’t always end happily. I have become a person who actively watches and enjoys movies that have an unhappy ending, I like how realistic those types of movies are.
Contrary to what the entire rom-com genre will have you believing, it doesn’t always work out, and if it does you're not always 23, perfect, and someone can afford to be living in New York City.
Don’t get me wrong, I still believe in love and all of that jazz, but not the picture perfect way they make it out to be on screen. Because that love isn't real and we all forget sometimes that what writers and directors and actors all do aren't reality, it's make believe and although the thought may be based on someone's internal feelings, in real life love isn't that way.
Trust me I know the struggle, I'm still in denial that Jim and Pam aren’t married in real life, it's an incredible gift to make an audience believe in fake love so strongly, but honestly I do think that to a certain extent its ruining authentic love for the rest of us.
So just know that you will find love someday and it probably won't be as easy or nice as it is on screen, but it'll be real, and I'd takes that over living through some random characters anyways.