Let's be realistic. There are many people out there who are in relationships and there are many people who are not. Some prefer to be single, some prefer relationships. At the end of the day, everyone is different. However, being in a relationship myself I've noticed that many of my peers speak negatively about being in a relationship. Usually I would ignore their comments unless there were concerned for my health and safety which is a good friend on their part but there's nothing to worry about. Sometimes ignoring something doesn't make it go away which is why I think it's important for me to say my opinion rather than just taking others' in.
Throughout high school and so far in college I've heard it all. "Being single is so much better than dating" or "You should be single throughout college" and finally "Relationships hold you back, especially in college." I understand where people are coming from when they say this and maybe they're right. But everyone is different, some people always want relationships, some people want to be single, it is your choice. Nothing wrong with being single, nothing wrong with being in a relationship.
Coming to college, dating was definitely not a first priority and it shouldn't be for anyone going to school, studies always come first. I just wanted to make friends, be on the equestrian team, and meet different guys along the way. But I ended up in a relationship in the middle of fall semester and I didn't realize how much I enjoyed it. I thought I would give it a try and I've been happy ever since. Again, it's all about what you prefer and if you're not into dating or relationships, that is totally fine. But don't say that people who are in relationships are "wasting their time" or they "hold you back." That's not the case for every relationship and if it is, then that's not healthy. For me, being in a relationship has made me more open minded, more social, and more confident in having conversations. But you can do the same by being single too!
I encourage everyone to experiment and become open minded. That does not mean date if you're not feeling that, but don't rule out all relationships as the same without the knowledge.