We live in a generation where everyone is constantly posting pictures and hashtagging everything. So one day I was scrolling through Instagram and I noticed that a girl I follow constantly using the hashtag "#relationshipgoals." At first, I found it odd that someone called their own relationship "goals" so I clicked on the hashtag and found out that a lot of people think that their relationship is goals. "Goals" is defined as "the object of a person's ambition or effort; an aim or desired result" but I have personally never looked at someone who is my age and have admired or wanted their relationship, to be honest. So after that hashtag, I was on a journey.
I asked a few people who are and aren't in relationships on what they think of this relationship goals concept. A few thought of it just being a healthy relationship (which is extremely normal.) But some thought of the goal concept as being ridiculous. One said, "why would you want to base your relationship on what someone else has? It's just not going to work out ." Another one said that she believes that relationship goals is bascially someone you don't have to fill the silence with. So basically everyone has a different opinion on what those 2 words actually mean.
To me no relationship is perfect. I'm currently engaged to the most amazing guy ever but I doubt anyone looks at us and says "man that's relationship goals right there." But I don't want anyone to look at us like that either. Everyone has different goals and needs in a relationship. Some people feel like a relationship goal is never arguing....like for real never arguing ever. But to me that absolutely ridiculous and very unhealthy for a relationship. Every relationship is different so obviously, the goals for every relationship aren't going to be the same. So don't try to make your relationship like any other relationship. Just be happy with the one you love and don't be afraid to argue occasionally (not every week please).