Fall semester is the biggest time for sorority recruitment, and in the Fall is 2015, I took the initiative to try it out for myself. And even though it's something so glorified on TV and on the Internet, it didn't work out for me, and I wanted to discuss why that's okay.
When I started the process of recruitment, I was so excited to meet thousands of girls with the same goal as me: to fit into a crowd of girls who are just like me. But that's the part that they don't tell you--one group doesn't define you as a person. There are so many different girls in each house, you can't possibly be like every single one of them.
My experience through recruitment was incredibly tough. I felt like I was so alone and like I had no one to talk to. I didn't fit into any of the houses. Why? Why was I different? Why did this experience make me feel like such an outsider?
I decided to finish out the week and ended up in a house I really wasn't satisfied with. I walked in on bid day and regardless of how many girls were in that room with me, I felt like I didn't fit in with any of them.
Recruitment made me feel like I was pretending to be someone I wasn't. I tried so hard to fit into a place that I knew I didn't belong in in the first place. Recruitment didn't work out for me because I forced myself to feel like I was a part a group that I really didn't even want to be a part of.
So if you're considering recruitment and you aren't sure what to expect, my best advice is to be yourself in all aspects. Don't let anyone tell you where you should fit in or why; be who you are and don't change who you aren't for anyone. As my Rho Gam once told me, "Be authentically you."