Life gets messy. It has complications and road blocks. For me, the hardest part about having difficulties is that not everyone has the same hardships; so not everyone is going to understand what you are going through. And too, we can spend so much time trying to fix our grip on the rope we are holding on to, that we get all tangled up.
I will be the first person to admit that I let myself get so distracted by the worries of this world. I let my struggles weigh me down; I have been wounded from continuous tries of fixing my grip on life. I get all tangled up and all I want is to be free from the big knot. However, freedom does not come without a fight. Thankfully though, there is somebody who stays by my side at all times and helps me fight when I have no fight left. That somebody is my, and your, Heavenly Father.
I trust in God because he has never given up on me. There have been times when either I have given up on myself and even when others have given up on me. However, when I am in my darkest moments, my toughest knots, God reveals himself to me in one way or another. As someone who over analyzes everything and takes everything to heart, it is hard to feel peace and comfort. Where others may not know the best way to help me, God sends an overwhelming sense of peace over me. It is something hard to explain, but it is also something hard to ignore or forget.
I trust God because he is the only one in my life who has remained constant. People have a sinful nature; none of us are perfect. We hurt each other, we leave each other, we get upset with each other, etc. While this world may fail me and leave me feeling hurt and empty, God has never failed me, never left me, and He never will. While God may not always answer our prayers the way we would like him to, He knows what is best for us and provides us with everything we need.
“ When God give you a ‘no,’ give him a ‘thank you.’ He is protecting you from the less for the best”- Unknown
I may not understand at the time what God is doing, but God’s plan for me is way better than any plan I have for myself.
I trust God because he holds on to me even when I let go and feel as though I can no longer hold on to anything or anyone. There have been times when I am holding on by a thread, and this world completely overwhelms me. I get so tangled up in all my difficulties, both present and past (because I constantly over think everything. . .) I feel like if I try to re-grip my hold on the rope, I will just fall. Thankfully, while I may have lost my grip in situations, and I may not be holding on to God as tightly as I should be, God is always strongly holding on to me. He not only just holds us, He lifts us up and places us on more stable ground.
Yes, life can become very overwhelming, trust me I know, but God realizes it as well. God will never give up on you, never leave you with more than you can handle, and will never let go. I am not saying it is super easy for me to put every ounce of my trust in God because life is rough, I am just saying He has proven to me time and time again that His plan truly is the best.I still to this day struggle with wondering if I will lose my grip and not be able to fight anymore. The good news is, God loves us so much he sent his one and only son to pay the ultimate sacrifice and set us free. God has already fought and won the battle for us. He has brought us this far; He will not let go now and will never make us fight on our own.