September 11th will always be one of the most solemn days of the year. With each year that passes and each year that I grow older, I attempt to understand the gravity of that tragic day and find peace in what is and forever will be the most poignant event in my lifetime.
This past weekend, I was lucky enough to travel north to the Midwest and spend a few days state-hopping from Indiana to Michigan. On Sunday, we spent 4 hours driving from the latter to the former and, as a Florida girl born-and-raised, I was in awe of the country scenery and the beauty that surrounded me. While on that drive we passed by something I will never forget. A young boy and his father stood at the end of a passing street and wove an American flag to all the cars driving by on the highway. It was so simple, yet it made my heart smile so big. In that moment I was reminded of the unconquered spirit our country embodies and how lucky I am to be a citizen of, what I believe to be, the best damn country in the world.
Right now, we are in the middle of a very divisive time. Everything from political stance to views on bathroom policies seems to show a stark ‘this versus that’ and ‘me versus them’ tone within our citizens nationwide. Not to mention, a country that has advanced so far technologically has seemingly created our own weapon-of-mass-destruction: the media. With each news network seldom reporting ‘news’ and frequently reporting spin, it’s hard not to be divided when it comes to the hot-topics.
But I believe it is our beliefs – the very same beliefs that are dividing us – that make us American. Our country was founded on the idea of having our own faith, ideologies, and way of life. Sadly, right now, our country can’t seem to peacefully disagree with one another. We are tearing ourselves apart from the inside out, and much of this turmoil could possibly be traced back to improper media coverage of very sensitive situations that happen within our country.
So today, I am sharing a different kind of media with you. I don’t care if you select Republican or Democrat on the ticket. Whether you think Colin Kaepernick’s protest was an act of valor or an act of cowardice. Hell, I don’t care if you enjoy Chipotle over Moe’s. Today, I am here to remind you that we are blessed to live in the United States of America. Look for the good in your country today, rather than the bad in your opposing ‘team’. As a matter of fact, today try and remember that we are all on the same team. Look for the things that unite us, rather than the troubling things that are trying to tear us apart. I won’t deny that there have been some pretty unforgivable historical bumps in the road, and I will not try to tell you that our country is perfect (I challenge you to show me one that is). Regardless, I will forever be proud to be an American, and I hope you are, too.