If you were to rate yourself on a scale of one to 10, based on looks, what number would you give yourself?
I would say I am 10. The majority of women would rate themselves a 10. But that doesn't count. We only care about the rating others give us. Everyone wants to be high up on the "hotness scale," but not everyone can be. Some just don't have what it takes. But that's OK. There's still hope. I know I am not a perfect dime, but I am just fine with that. I actually prefer not to be a 10.
Many ladies think that if you are drop-dead gorgeous, you've won the life lottery. You have no problem with relationships or making friends or getting guys to talk to you. And when one man doesn't work out, you have hundreds groveling at your feet for the next spot in line. Everyone loves the "pretty one" and wants to be a part of their perfect life.
Sure, if you have looks, you are great to stare at, but "10s" can have a tough time interacting with others. It is because they are not approachable. Their beauty can intimidate the gentlemen and make other women jealous. If you are attractive, you are either too cocky or too confident. It can go either way. So if "nines" and "10s" have trouble getting dates, it could be because they are not easy to talk to. If you are still single, it is probably because you are some serious eye candy.
The ideal number on the beauty scale would be between a five and seven. I like to think I am a six with a personality of a 10. This is the best of both worlds because you get the brains and the beauty. And unless you get Botox or take human growth hormone after age 40, you will age. Looks do not last, but your charm will. Physical attractiveness on the outside does not equate to physical health on the inside. You can be looking like Blake Lively externally, but have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and diabetes internally.
Sterotypically, good looking people generally don't have great charisma. The dumb blonde Barbie type would never get rejected because that is everyone's fantasy. They do not know the feeling of failure, like us. I'm all for flaunting it if you got it, but there's a point when you need to pull down your shorts and pull up your top. Pretty girls are at a disservice here because they use their beauty as a crutch, while the below average ones are standing on their own two feet. The next time someone calls you ugly, disregard the aesthetic scale or the weight scale. Others are just jealous of your charming character. And remember there is always room to glow up.
Don't get envious of the elegant crowd. You can stare, acknowledge their beauty and move on with your life. Stop comparing yourself to others. Accept your flaws and be OK with it. Love yourself and your personality. Be confident in your own body. Face it, you are never going to be as pretty as them, unless you are a Kardashian.