It's not your typical pet. Most people ask for a puppy, or a kitten, maybe even a bunny. But instead, I ask for ducklings. After raising one last spring and setting it free, I felt as though something was missing. I decided to have more ducks and raise them to fill the void, only this time I took on three instead of one.
These came from a hatchery farm in Iowa and upon delivery, they were a mere 2 days old. I can promise you that the cuteness factor blows any puppy, kitten, bunny, and even baby out of the water.
The little ducklings show up into your world as little, itty bitty balls of fluff. Seeing how small they start out is something that makes it hard to believe they grow into something so big so fast.
That's a picture from the first time I raised a duckling. They start so small that you can fit one in the palm of your hand!
Aside from the cuteness factor, and that they will literally snuggle you all day, raising a ducklings provided me with lessons you wouldn't expect.
I had zero idea what I was getting into the first time, similarly to that of a new parent. But with time, it brought me the lesson of responsibility and accountability. Having to take care of a duckling whose mother had left it alone meant that I had to provide food, warmth and the love of a mother duck, as weird as that may seem. I had to swim with my duck, and snuggle it when it wanted to. I had to feed it hourly and clean it's pen daily. It taught me responsibility for something other than myself.
Now, having three ducks seems like a challenge but its something not as big because I know what it takes. Having three ducklings is three times as awesome in my opinion. Why? Because I get to come home every day and snuggle with my three little fluff balls.
Do people make fun of me for it? Sure. Do they not take me seriously because of my pet choice? Absolutely. But do I care? Not one bit.
I love my ducks. They become my best friend just like any other pet would. Only my pets make your pets look silly. My ducks, my little peeps, will mean more to me than your pets will to you because unlike your typical pet, mine need to be taught how to swim, fly, and to fend in the wild. I'm a proud owner of baby ducklings, and nobody can take what I have done for them away.
I love my ducks and I always will, and I'm sure you would too. If I were you, I would look into having pet ducklings; it might just change your life the way it changed mine.