Why People With Piercings And Tattoos Rock | The Odyssey Online
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Why People With Piercings And Tattoos Rock

Express yourself in the most incredible way possible.

Why People With Piercings And Tattoos Rock

Welcome to 2016, an age in where tattoos and piercings are becoming more and more accepted by society and becoming a social norm. At age 18 or beforehand with parents consent, younger souls and older souls are marking their bodies with needles or with ink. Some are in favor of this fashion while some may not and contrary to what corporate America wants us to believe, there is more than one definition to professionalism. For those of you who disagree, I urge you to take a second look and realize the beauty around you and how it impacts all parts of the world in a positive way.

People who cover their bodies with jewelry and ink are walking art exhibits. Your body is a canvas and you are able to create yourself into any kind of masterpiece you please. Whether you chose a meaningful message from a past relative, an ever-growing rose garden, or even just your favorite star wars quote, it's an expression of yourself you release to the world. In fact, it takes true guts to wear your heart on your sleeve as those with piercings and tats quite literally do. Is it so easy for you to show yourself at raw to all the souls around you and say, “This is me and this is what I stand for and I don’t care who sees it or who knows it whether you accept it or not.”

Despite my piercings and tattoos I have been successful. I am an excelling college student, an active part of my community, a leader, I stand up for what I believe in, have a great group of friends, a loving family, am kind and am honest. Just because our culture has created this world where those who chose to freely express themselves are shunned and instantly less worthy than others, doesn't mean we should accept it. Do not live in fear of us, because truly our art is an inspiration and shows even further the intellectual and wowing person we are inside. What we have on the outside does not limit our capabilities we hold within us.

I dare you to express yourself freely and to cover every inch of your skin in all of the incredibly breathtaking markings you wish to imagine. As Dr. Seuss once said, “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is truer than you.” So pierce your nose, pierce your daith, engrave that quote from your favorite book and get that lunar eclipse you’ve been dying to imprint on you because you rock.

And you are you.

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