So living in South Jersey in Atlantic City, and 30 minutes outside of AC, I’ve learned to dislike the Fourth of July. I don’t mean the holiday itself, but the mayhem that comes with it. Don’t get me wrong I love the beach, the BBQ’s and fireworks as much as the next person. It’s just when it comes to the shore, this particular holiday weekend is the worst. And nothing worse than the people who come to the shore for the holiday … The Shoobies*. They disturb our way of life. Not with just their presence, but with the way they are, the way they act and the way they drive.
* “Shoobie is a term used to describe a tourist who visits the seashore for a day (a day-tripper), primarily to use the beach during the summer months.” (Wikipedia) “The term "shoobie" may sometimes now be applied to tourists who are more likely to feed the seagulls, or wear sock with flip-flops, or wear shoes on the beach, or set up umbrellas on windy days, or act like they have never been to the beach.” (Wikipedia)
The Shoobies cause a s*** ton of traffic and with traffic, come accidents (and they say Jersey drivers are bad).
I, myself have almost gotten into a few accident this summer with some out-of-staters. If you are going to drive with us, learn to drive like us, please. And nothing worse than a person from Pennsylvania, Ohio or Delaware driving through AC sightseeing while you’re behind them trying to get to work.
When it comes to the beach don't feed the seagulls. They are not cute. They are not defenselessanimals. They are vultures, and they will attack you. And I will laugh!
And please we all beg you to clean up after yourself when you are done at the beach. Pick up the trash you bring or buy. Please don’t just leave it there for the next person to pick up, because like you, they too are most likely visiting and will just add to the mess. I am no Eco Freak, but the shore is my home and like at any home, the residents are not your maids and don’t need to clean up after you. Do it yourself.
And the last thing about the holiday weekend is the drinking. I get that people will be drinking and having a good time, but don’t get over the top. While you’re over there being a drunk A-hole, there are families and kids around. Just be mindful that there are families trying to have just as much of a good time. I know I sure as hell don’t want annoying ass drunk people near my family let alone my younger cousins.
But please come enjoy the shore, just don’t make us hate you for it. I know not all the people who come and visit aren’t all bad, but like they say, one person can ruin it for everyone. The Jersey Shore is nothing like the show trust me on that.