When Donald Trump first said he was going to ban Muslims from coming to the country, I was like yeah okay. I figured he wasn't going to win and he was just saying what ever came out of his mouth, now I know this is real and it is happening. As probably everyone knows, I am Jewish. My ancestors have been kicked out of pretty much everywhere from at the time Palestine to Russia and Spain. So I know how it feels to be hated for just because of my religion. We as humans need to stand up for this ban. Donald Trump signed the Muslim Ban on National Holocaust Remembrance Day. A day we remember the lives that were lost because of one radical man because of their religion, race and disability.
During the time when Hitler was restricting the Jewish people, many tried to move to the United States and Cuba but were sent back. Millions of lives were lost because they were declined citizenship by the United States. We always say, "Never Again" well here is the time to put your money where your mouth is. We need to stand up for this ban because we know the injustice and have learned about it for most of our lives. So now our leader of the free world is banning people from seven countries including the refuges fleeing from Syria. Did I mention he isn't banning Muslims from countries he does business in such as Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Turkey and United Arab Emirates. Sounds weird doesn't it? I decided to do some research and according to The New York Times that most of the terrorists are from the countries not banned? Also according to the temporary ban Christian refugees have more preference than Muslim refugees.
This ban is religious persecution and should not be allowed in the country where immigrants dream to come and start over, I want our country safe believe me but I don't think banning people because they're Muslim is the way. I know many people from my campus who are Muslim and will be affected or their family will be affected by this ban. Students, doctors and US citizens can't go visit their family in these Middle Eastern countries and the other way around. I was reading tweets that people were tweeting about this temporary ban and it broke my heart. A man who is a US citizen had planned his mother to come to the states to see his daughter who she's never met and now she can't because she is from one of these banned countries.
This isn't about protecting our country this is discrimination against Muslims. So to all the Jewish people and everyone who doesn't want the Holocaust to happen again. Please stand up for these people who are losing their rights because of their religion.