There are many reasons why people lie. They could do it for revenge, to hide something, or it could just be something very minor. I personally do not think anyone should lie unless it is something that they do not what other people to know about. An example would be a health condition or a personal conflict at home.
I know a lot of people who are compulsive liars. What is the point? If you lie about anything, there is a high possibility that someone is going to find out the truth anyway. From experience, I used to lie to my friends and peers in high school or elementary school. The reason being is because I wanted to fit in. I was never the popular kid growing up and I just wanted people to like me. I soon came to realize that lying wasn’t the answer. I would have been better off if I had just told people the truth about myself instead of making things up to sound cool. Long story short, everyone eventually found out the truth about my life. I had lost a lot of friends and respect from others. I knew I couldn’t get that back, but some people understood.
The bottom line is to not lie. It can ruin friendships and turn you into a person you really don’t want to be. Lying can make you seem cool or interesting at first, but then it can quickly destroy you. I didn’t start gaining respect for others until I went to college or my last two years of high school. The few months of being liked by others wasn’t worth it. It wasn’t worth my name getting destroyed, losing my friends, or losing the respect for others.
Lying can also make others feel like crap about themselves. If you lie to someone and they really care about you, chances are they are going to feel like you never cared about them at all. They are going to think that you used them or that you are a completely different person. It isn’t worth it. So why lie? Why take the risk of hurting others? Are you willing to ruin friendships and relationships with lies? The answer is NO. You need to take into consideration on other people’s feelings before you lie about something. It can hurt the other person just as much as it can hurt you.
All I am asking is for you to think about the consequences of this action before you go and do it. It isn’t that hard to be brutally honest. I am that way now and people seem to love it. They actually have more respect for you in you are honest. People will come to you for advise on things because they know you will give them an honest answer. Do not give into temptation. Be the person who is honest no matter what the circumstances are.