Superheroes are usually known for having one major talent, better than anyone else. Famous superhero talents are typically known for being something like the ability to fly, to walk on water, freezing the city and even having unmeasurable strength.
While growing up to Disney movies and Pixar animated films, I always pretended to be just like the characters in the movies. What I didn’t realize as a child was just how much guidance all my favorite characters had, and they couldn’t have been the way they were without their parents.
My mother and father have become such a huge part of my uprising. I can truly say I wouldn’t be the person I am today, without them so heavily involved in my life. From the minute my mother gave birth to me until this very second, she has constantly supported every decision I have made, regardless of how stupid or ridiculous it may have been. No matter how old I am, I can say that I am still my daddy’s little girl, because he spoils me just as much now as he would have when I was little. My parents have provided me with everything I could have ever needed, including food, shelter, clothing and most importantly, their love. From teaching me to share my toys with friends, learning my alphabet, and saying my “please and thank you's,” I am reminded everyday from watching people neglect these simple human interactions, that I was raised correctly. These values and manners I always thought to be obnoxious as a child have prepared me for the real world as I’ve grown up.
Now that I am older and more mature, I would like to step back and thank both my mother and my father. Your strength has made me strong, your wisdom has made me wise and your love has made me loving. You may not be able to pick me up with something as small as your pinky, but your hearts are able to pick me up when I’m down.
I believe a lot of people would agree with me in saying that having parents who are so amazing like you guys can make life a whole lot easier. I know that because of you two, I can accomplish anything I set my heart to, all thanks to your unconditional love and support.
Thank you, and I love you so much.