This summer I spent a week in Honduras, sharing the gospel and loving on people. It was a week that changed my life. I had countless opportunities to share my testimony and I noticed a pattern: My story didn't make a difference in anyone's life, until I mentioned the name of Jesus. At that name, I could see people begin to break inside. Some cried. Some fell completely silent. At the name of Jesus, these people realized what they were lacking. They were lacking Him.
When I came back from this trip I realized that our culture has made the name of Jesus taboo. No one minds if you talk about your faith as long as you don't mention His name. But how can I possibly tell you about my faith without His name? He is everything.
The name of Jesus is powerful. Jesus is what saves. His name is what changes lives. It's what dispels the darkness. The demons have to flee at the sound of it. My faith revolves around Him. Take it or leave it, you're not a Christian without the name of Jesus.
Our culture doesn't mind spirituality. They can appreciate morals or love, but they do not know the true love of my Savior who died on a cross for my sins. They don't know the anguish He endured for me, a wretched human being who deserved nothing. They have no notion of sacrificial love because they do not know the name of Jesus Christ.
They despise His name because it is light. Those who are in darkness hate the light that exposes them.
They hate His name because it is immensely powerful. The demons plaguing us must leave when they hear it. Our culture loves their demons. They don't want to be rid of them. But we know that there is no greater joy than that which comes through Jesus Christ.
Do not be afraid to speak His name. Do not be afraid to change people's lives for the better. Do not be afraid to be a shock to your culture: What do you think Jesus was?
I use the name of Jesus because I have seen its effect. There is no word that can compare. When we prayed a prayer of salvation with the children in Honduras we had them repeat, "Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord. Jesus is Lord." Let your life follow that confession. Show the world that Jesus is Lord. Say His name and watch things begin to change.