Every time you look around you are seeing God’s creation. Whether you are looking at a California Redwood, a vintage Mustang, a labrador, a 3-year-old’s drawing, or those you love, you're looking at God’s expertise. He created everything on this earth with inexplicable detail, precision, and purpose. It is crazy to think that every single creature, plant, and even microscopic bacteria was handcrafted by God for a bigger purpose that we cannot fully comprehend.
In my short time in college, I have been placed in a variety of situations and classes that challenged me to view the world differently — through a creative lens. In my creativity and innovation in business class I was pushed to employ a creative thinking process focused on embracing the failures and road bumps that will eventually lead to a desirable solution.
This was the first time that I was personally pushed to my creative limits. We were forced to examine ourselves and see how we inherently as a person are creative. Not how our hobbies and ability to produce quality art (whatever that means) are creative, but how we behave and think is creative and unique to ourselves.
I often found it difficult to think about creativity and all of its forms in this class and beyond without my thoughts wandering to God. I constantly felt that the concept of creativity and creative thinking cannot be fully explained without factoring God into things. He created us by hand and shaped us into the perfectly imperfect beings that we are today.
My favorite view of God’s creativity is how He allows us to suffer to be able to grow. If we as a species, let alone individually, were never to suffer, then we would not be able to develop and learn our strengths. We would not have such a wide breadth of experiences and feelings to relate to others with and support them in their struggles. It may seem cruel and unfair at times, but how else would we become the unique individuals that we are without the particular set of struggles and triumphs that God has blessed us with?
Creativity is not just reserved for those in the creative arts fields. It is God’s blessing to each of us. He hardwired our DNA in His image, as show in Genesis 1:27, “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” This includes His creative mind. We just need to find our personal creative source to help glorify God with.
It’s pretty cool when you realize that God gave each and every one of us a slice of what I believe is His coolest trait: His unending and free flowing creativity. He has bestowed upon us a little part of His ability to create something of unique value at every turn of life. We owe it back to Him and those around us to embrace the talents and strengths we have, no matter how seemingly insignificant, and go at them full force with the open mind and heart that God blessed us with. By fearlessly pursuing our passions we glorify the innate creativity that He has blessed us with.