No one is exempt from the feelings that encompass this nation due to recent, tragic events. Every single one of us is confused, asking why our country is crawling down such a dark, twisted road, and we all are extremely discouraged. It's more than difficult for all of us to carry on with our lives after hearing of yet another mass shooting, rape, murder or other heartbreaking incident, yet we are forced to. While developing and maintaining a positive mindset will not single-handedly fix the pain we feel through these circumstances, living optimistically can help us focus on the all-too-forgotten goodness that this nation does hold.
Sure, when the first thing we see in the morning is a shocking, unfortunate news outbreak, it is seemingly impossible to choose optimism. We initially feel anger, sadness, and loss, as we are only human beings. It is natural for us to respond to such an event in these ways. However, it is up to us to choose how we will lead the rest of our days. Instead of capitalizing on the hatred that is shown through the news, social media, or everyday conversation, we could focus on showing love to and praying for those who are victims. We can choose to show compassion to those around us. We can choose to open our minds and realize our own blessings. We can choose to act in ways that make others' think more positively. Most importantly, we can choose to be optimistic that our nation can change for the better.
Because without a little faith that we can prevail, we will constantly stay in this discouraged state. We need to remember that we CAN overcome this distress. The most important part of living positively is to assume that the people we meet each and every day are good people. Doing so can eliminate the judgement of others, which is something many of us do without even thinking. Also, with positivity comes kindness, which is something that our nation is lacking now more than ever. It seems that many have completely forgotten how to treat others with respect, and in order for us to remain hopeful for a better future for our nation, we need to remember the golden lesson we learned when we were only five years old: treat others as you would like to be treated.
I'm not saying that we should dismiss the tragic events that occur in our country. I'm not saying it is wrong to feel upset about what happens around us. I'm saying that, in order to stop all of this, we need to remember to be kind and compassionate, reminding ourselves that, with a little optimism, we are capable of so much. We need to adhere to glass half-full attitudes. This nation is our home, and each of us have to contribute in order to piece it back together. Making a change is a choice, and it's up to us to make the right one.