We all have that friend on Facebook that posts an absurd length of thoughts and controversies weekly. You know, that post that always ends up indirectly saying "Everyone is wrong and I am right". If you can't think of that friend, it's probably you. Meanwhile, on twitter you see multiple tweets in a row angrily stating opinions on Politics, when really the rest of us are only on there to give gold stars to tweets about food. Instagram is meant for sunsets and Starbucks cups with oceans in the background. It's not meant for pictures we didn't take with filters and hashtags followed by novels of strongly worded thoughts.
Lately America has been in an ultimate state of change and conversation with the Same-Sex Marriage approval and Confederate Flag controversies. Opinions have been the core of conversations and while I fully believe in having your own opinions, rights, thoughts, Freedom of Speech, I also fully believe in there's a place and time for everything.
To put it simply, here are 8 reasons why your opinion doesn't belong on social media:
1. You're Preaching To A Small Choir.
Our generation has renamed the idea of a "friend". We get a request on social platforms and immediately accept it thinking "More likes" or "More followers" or "More people to read my posts!" So when we have things we want to say, in our minds, the 1,500 friends we have on Facebook are all going to read it. We think because we have so many friends, our opinion does in fact matter. But in reality, there are 7.125 Billion people in the world, and 1,500 is nothing.
2. The Amount Of Hate That Is Attached.
Not all are guilty of this, but most believe that harsh words and phrases will get their point across to others. I don't know about you, but I grew up learning that kindness is key. I guess that is what brings me to writing this article; believing that everyone has their own opinion and no opinion is less important than mine. Sharing your thoughts in person, in a debate, in an environment where it can conform to a real and professional discussion rather than sending hateful messages through a computer are more worthwhile.
3. Targeting People/Groups Isn't Cute.
You don't look "cool" or "better than anyone else" when you're posting things about large groups of people. In most cases, like the Same-Sex-Marriage controversy, you are targeting a large group of people that you do not know. For the people who are against it, who says anyone is better than anyone else just because their hearts are different?
4. The Group Of People That Will Back You Up...Won't See It.
You're just saying things to say it. The people who will back you up and make a difference, probably are not solely on your social media platforms. If you want to make a difference and you feel that your opinion DOES in fact deserve to be on social media, do something incredible and get it on the news, my friend.
5. Just Because You Think It, Doesn't Mean You Should Speak It.
This one "speaks for itself." If I learned anything in Kindergarten its, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all."
6. Social Media Platforms Are Not A Courtroom Or A Debate House.
I get it, opinions are important. They are what help individualize us as people but we seem to forget that we are not above everyone else. As we are entitled to our beliefs, others are too. I am sure the creators of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. created these platforms in hopes to bring people together, not apart.
7. A Person With Opposite Opinions Will ALWAYS Attack.
Just as you posted your opinion, other's will post theirs. You're asking for people to post back to you and start conflict. If your strongly worded novel was worth it, then they believe theirs is too. Again, these passive aggressive comments make no changes. They make no positive impact on either party.
8. It Doesn't Fit In.
These past few months, I've scrolled through Facebook to see arguments about the flag, marriage equality, etc. Then there are posts about Graduations, vacations, and accomplishments. These are in two completely different categories of posts. It is just natural that people wish for happy things, we've seen the news, we've heard bad situations, we've lost people, we've been hurt, etc. People want happiness, and in the end, that is the one thing everyone has in common.
Remember that opinions are okay, better than okay, but when you use your opinion to bash others is when your comments and words reflect YOU and who YOU are, not them and their thoughts.