There are some shows we watch that mean more to us than just another show to watch when we're bored. "One Tree Hill" is one of those shows for many of us . Although it quit airing new episodes over four years ago, it is still a very popular show. "One Tree Hill" is there for the hard times, the good times, and everything in between with some great advice from the characters we love so dearly.
1) “Imagine a future moment in your life where all your dreams come true, you know? It’s the greatest moment of your life and you get to experience it with one person. Who’s standing next to you?”
2) “The rest of your life is being shaped right now. By the dreams you chase. The choices you make. And the person you decide to be."
3) “I developed a bad habit somehow, just letting things happen to me instead of going after the things I really want.”
4) “You are too young not to believe everything’s gonna be okay.”
5) “Use your head and follow your heart.”
6) “Choose someone who makes your heart race and someone you love because of who they are, not what they do.”
7) “People will hurt you. But you can’t use that as an excuse to hurt them back.”
8) “You have one chance, one life and what you do with it is up to you.”
9) “What’s more important? What we become or how we become it?”
10) “It’s the oldest story in the world. One day, you’re 17 and you’re planning for someday. Then without you ever noticing someday is today, and that someday is yesterday and this is your life”
Haley, Nathan, Lucas, Peyton, Brooke, etc., these characters became our friends quickly throughout the first seasons of the show. We laughed with them, cried with them, and realized that the scripted parts of this show could easily relate to our lives. So yes, for many of us this show is more than just some characters acting out the script, it is the show that we talked to all our friends about, the show we watched four times and counting.