Why I Am Not Voting In The 2016 Election | The Odyssey Online
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Why I Am Not Voting In The 2016 Election

No, I am not moving to Canada, just simply not voting

Why I Am Not Voting In The 2016 Election
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This is it. The third presidential debate has ended. Without any more ridiculous stories coming to light, we the people know our candidates and now it is time to exercise our right to vote. On November 8th, (not the 28th for those confused) registered voters will cast their votes and a decision will be made. Some will vote for Senator Hillary Clinton and have known that for a while. Some will vote for Donald Trump and have known that for a while. Some may have recently decided toward Clinton. Some may have recently decided toward Trump. Many others still may not know where their vote will land. Some will vote with confidence. Some will vote with fear. Some will vote with disappointment. However, all of these people have one thing in common—they will vote.

The group I have not mentioned—the group I find myself in—are the people who will not be voting come November. First, let me just clarify that I am by no means alone. According to the Bipartisan Policy Center, in the last presidential election only about 57.5% of eligible citizens voted. So, before you jump down my throat with all sorts of reactions like “Well how are you going to let *insert politician’s name* into the Oval Office?” or “You have to vote! It’s your right!” let me explain why:

First, I simply do not feel either candidate is fit for presidency. For multiple reasons Senator Hillary Clinton is not fit. For multiple reasons Donald Trump is not fit. Whether for moral values, political beliefs, party alignment, cultural ideals, foreign policy, plain common sense, or anything else, I do not find either candidate fit for presidency. Now, I know I am most definitely not alone in this statement. I think a lot of Americans truly are confused and afraid of which candidate to vote for. However, they still plan on voting. I do not.

For example, one of my friends, a Republican, recently said he does not care too much for either candidate. However, he still plans on voting for Trump. A family member of mine, a Democrat, also said she understands these candidates are far from perfect but strongly believes that one should still vote. Naturally, I asked why. Their responses were that they would rather have their party views being pushed in the White House. Both are reasonable responses. I cannot totally agree with the answers, but reasonable nonetheless. Having your major issues aligned with those inside the White House is an obvious reason why people vote. But, this is the “leader of the free world,” the “commander in chief,” do we really want to just follow our party even if you do not like who is at the head? This person will be the face of the country for the next 4 years, possibly 8. Do you really want to vote for a person you don’t believe in because you happen to label yourself a specific party? For me, this is simply not a big enough reason to elect a person to be the leading face of our country for the next 4 years.

Furthermore, I do not understand the people who vote for a candidate simply because it is who their parents are voting for. Now, I know there are plenty of people voting the same way as their parents. That is obviously fine, if the reason is not simply because they are. But, I feel a lot of people in my generation are not informed and just vote for whomever their parents say to because they don’t care. I hate that. If you are old enough to vote, you are old enough not to listen to your parents on the topic of who to vote for. My mom has told me exactly who she is voting for and has told me to vote for that person. Sorry mom, not happening.

I am a registered independent. I do not have party alignment for those exact reasons. I know for a fact as long as I am alive, not one presidential candidate, not even one just regular person will share every single view or opinion I have. If a presidential candidate did, then wow. I guess I must be the one running for president (Luise 2030?). So I think you have to look at certain things that absolutely mean the most to you. You see an issue and you think, okay, if I vote for this person, they must feel this way too. For some people, it is strictly policy, and for others, it becomes more of a value or morals consideration. Either way, it’s like choosing the lesser of two evils. For me, if the “evils” are both bad, which in this election I think stands true, I would rather choose none. I am a firm believer that if I don’t like either one, why should I vote one into office? Yes, I know one of them obviously will end up in the Oval, but I will know it is not because of me. People argue, “Well, if you don’t vote for her and he wins, it’s your fault” or vice versa. Well, if I vote for her and she does win, I put someone in office I do not want in there. I have no party alignment; I have the freedom to not have to listen to my parents; I am not going to vote for one bad person just to keep the other bad person from winning.

Besides the fact that I think both candidates are crazy, I cannot trust the media either. It is very hard to get all the facts or really understand who these candidates are when the media is just playing games. I cannot go on any news outlet without being pressured by bias. It is unreal that I can read an article that has all this information and “facts” and numbers. Then go onto a different website and it will legitimately say the opposite. It is astounding. I have seen multiple times, news outlets have literally altered words or blatantly said things that are not true. For example, CNN was discussing a tweet Donald Trump posted regarding “Crooked Hillary” and “crooked” was literally photo-shopped off of the tweet. Are you kidding me? How is this possible? Zero creditability. Zero. Not to mention the fact that presidential candidates getting into Twitter wars is honestly embarrassing as a country. The world is laughing at America and these candidates are making a mockery of the American people.

Change is needed. America is at a pivotal point. This is one of the highest televised and anticipated elections. Who will win? I honestly have no idea. I am scared. Scared of what the world has become and where it is going. To be honest, I am not completely informed and do not fully understand all of their policies. But, what I do know is that neither candidate deserves the title of President of the United States.

Let me finish by saying this. I love the fact that I have the ability to vote. It is why America is great. I have the utmost pride to be an American. As I go through business school and learn about businesses and economies in other countries, I realize how truly lucky I am to live in America. But what really makes this country great is the fact that as much as I have the ability to vote, I have the ability not to vote. I can choose not to go a poll or send in an absentee ballot come election day. I can choose not to support any of these candidates. I can choose not to vote in the 2016 election. This right is given to me, but it is not mandatory. It is a privilege.

I am a registered independent voter, and I am not voting in the 2016 election.

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