I hate to break it to everyone, but it's true. Donald Trump is officially a politician. Every person that says he is not is wrong. We are four weeks out from voting in what could become the most important election of our generation and Donald Trump is one of the candidates. That, by definition, makes him a politician.
I've seen a few different articles with people stating why they're voting for Donald Trump, so I thought I would turn the tables a little bit. So here's my take:
Donald Trump is not an honest man. Donald Trump is not an honorable man. I want you to imagine how you would react if you heard that Hillary and Bill Clinton did not pay income taxes for 15 years, however, legal it may be, and then apply that to Mr. Trump and tell me what changed. Are we harder on the Clintons because of their past controversies? Bill Clinton is not running for office. Hillary Clinton is. Here's why I will be putting my vote in for her on the 8th.
Did Hillary Clinton stand and defend sex criminals? Yes, but that was her job as a public defender. It was literally her job to protect and stand up for her client, even if she knew that he/she was wrong.
One of the biggest arguments I see for voting for Donald Trump is that he will pick the next Supreme Court justice. To be frank with you all, that is bullshit. There is no reason that President Barack Obama should not have gotten to fill the seat currently empty on the Supreme Court. The congressmen and women that you elected are choosing not to do their jobs (and still collecting a paycheck that is almost $200,000 a year,) saying that the President is a lame duck president. He isn't. He won't be until November 9th when we have a new president-elect.
Another is that Hillary is trying to take away our right to own a gun. I'm going to say this as clearly as possible: THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN. EVER. NEVER EVER. In order for that to happen, a new amendment would have to be proposed and then ratified by 2/3rds of both houses of Congress. Over 10,000 amendments have been proposed over the last two hundred years and only 27 have been ratified. If you think that a person you voted for will take those rights from you, go vote for someone else. But Hillary Clinton herself will not show up at your door and put her hand out and expect you to place your guns into it nicely. She just expects there to be order when it comes to purchasing one such as having to wait a few days or having to do a background check. Just like guns, abortion will never be illegal. Why is it cool to rationalize keeping guns legal by saying that criminals will still get their hands on them but not cool to rationalize keeping abortion legal by saying that people will still get them, even though they're less safe? Hillary Clinton has gone on record to say that she only believes in late term abortions if it will critically impact the health of the mother and/or child.
Now, to kill two birds with one stone. Benghazi and the emails. Benghazi is a horrible thing that happened and I'm not saying it isn't. But if you have a real problem with it, look to the Department of Defense. The DOD spends almost $600 billion a year on our military and their needs. That's 54% of our yearly spending on one thing. I'm not saying that's a bad thing. But I am saying that our military is not, as Mr. Trump's campaign calls it, "depleted" by any means. Regarding the emails, Mrs. Clinton didn't do anything more than what Colin Powell and Condeleezza Rice did when they shared the same office. The fact that we are still talking about this blows me away.
Not to mention, Donald Trump has no endorsements from any living former president. No endorsements from any newspaper or magazine. There's a reason for that.
Mike Pence is not a man of honor or faith or integrity. He believes in and supports conversion therapy for members of the LGBT community. Whenever people go through LGBT conversion therapy to try and become straight, around 50% of them end up committing suicide. That's not cool with me. That shouldn't be cool with you. If you put those lives in the hands of Mike Pence like so many American people do with abortion and Hillary Clinton or other Democrats, he doesn't look so honorable then.
I'm not saying that Hillary Clinton is the perfect candidate. However, I am saying that if you took the names away and did a blind test, asking the test takers which would be more qualified to hold public office, there's no doubt in my mind that Hillary Clinton would be the number one choice.
At the end of the day, it doesn't matter to me who you vote for, as long as you GO AND VOTE. There's no reason 100% of the country is complaining about the government when only 50% are going out and voting. If you have a question about either one of the major candidate's stances on a policy simply go to google.com and type in, for example, "Hillary Clinton on Abortion" and there should be little boxes that explain how the candidate feels about that topic. Be informed. Don't be a single issue voter. Be nice. Remember that the only difference between Republican and Democrat, at its core, is how involved the government should be in our day to day lives.