After Tuesday night’s results where Trump won the election, it’s almost an understatement to say that I was bummed and frightened. I wish this wasn't the case, but there are a lot of negative emotions I’m feeling underneath my outward optimism.
Firstly, I’m fearful for the safety of this country and those in it. I’m bummed that after putting faith into a candidate, yet again, my hopes were shattered like they were with Bernie when he lost. Unfortunately, I feel like the system has failed a lot of people, including myself. It’s especially disconcerting to feel betrayed by a country I’m supposed to be proud of and a part of. However, despite how awful I may feel now and how the word “American” seems foreign to me at the moment, I’m not going to give up and I’m definitely not going to leave the country when it needs us the most.
With my mindset and the current situation, I can’t even joke about leaving the U.S. because I feel more strongly now than ever that I have to fight for this country. Maybe not in war, maybe not physically or as a part of the political machine itself, but as an American concerned for other Americans. I would feel like a traitor if I left the country now.
So, where is Trump’s presidency going to lead us? I don’t know. I’m hoping it’s nothing too terrible. I truly am hoping that he will be beneficial, but only time will tell. There are no certainties at the moment, but no matter how many unknowns there are, I know more than anything that I owe it to this country to stay put.
Imagine anything that could possibly go wrong (there’s a lot) and imagine how you’d react. What if it’s something you feel strongly about? Personally, I know I’d want to help or to fight for what I believe in–in anyway that I can. So now imagine feeling strongly about something happening in your home country, but you’re on the other side of the planet. How can you fight for or be there for something going on in the United States if you’re over in another country? (Unless, of course, you’re able to cross the border or take a plane somehow.)
The point I’m trying to make is that you can only fight so strongly through social media and political rants without being present. Imagine if a protest (or anything really) comes up and you want to be there; it’ll be much more difficult to get involved and fight for what you see is right.
In conclusion, America needs us now more than ever. I, for one, refuse to leave this nation and its people in such a time of uncertainty. No matter how worried or upset I may be, this is still my home and it still deserves my devotion. I’m not looking for anyone’s praise by stating this, but what I’m hoping to convey is a message of remaining hope and optimism despite how crazy everything might seem.
If you want to leave before it (possibly) gets bad, I understand. As for me, I’m choosing to stay and fight for my hopes to one day become reality. We as a nation can only remain strong if we stand united.