She's giving me mixed signals like an confused traffic
light/ I've been feeling her ever since I cop my drivers licenses/ maybe
earlier... all I know it was love at first sound/ hope it's mutual yet/
She's giving me mixed signals like an confused traffic light/ I'm
putting up with thoughts that she might not like a brother like me...
That's ocean deep in this poetry/ my love for my word play got me
feeling like I could be mention with the best/ I'm hard lover.... And a
deep writer/ I know you got a man wish I could just go back and stop
you/ feel like you was meant for me/ your smile is so unique/ you even
was there before the poetry yet/ She's giving me mixed signals like an
confuseed traffic light/ wish I could let you study my heart so that you
could see... What a great love that I have for you beanie please/ you
got my heart doing wonders/ soul count number of times when you
whispered those words that create the sound "love" and "you" yet/ She's
giving me mixed signals like an confused traffic light/ I'm tired like
mountain climbers after the hike/ I want us to stop beating around the
bush... I KNOW YOU LIKE ME/ what else do I have to do? To show you who
CQ/ the things I do..../ She's giving me mixed signals like spongebob
I'm so confused.... All I know is that I want you/ all I know is that I
need you/ like hand me down books given to slaves it's hard for me to
read you/ MASA please let me read you/ I'll do anything to learn the
alphabetical knowledge of your hearts desires boo/ they say knowledge is
the tool; so I'll be head first in these books with the thought of you/
She's giving me mixed signals like an confused.... traffic light/ I
just poured out my heart/ now my soul has no appetite/ signals