Most people start making their New Year's Resolutions at the end of December. Since it's here I figured I'd explain why I'm not making any this year.
New Year's is a time of reflection, and it's hard to make promises to yourself that you won't keep through the end of January. Getting in shape, trying to be a better person, getting rid of grudges are all things people will attempt in the new year. Only a very small percentage will actually succeed at them.
I chose not to make any this year because I never know what 2018 will hold. 2017 was a year of shattered hearts and bad memories, and that definitely took a toll on me keeping resolutions. A new year will hold lots of things you never expect, so why try to promise yourself things that may not even happen? It is great to set goals to reach, but it isn't okay to put so much pressure on yourself.
Don't get me wrong, you can set resolutions for yourself if you want, I'm just speaking my personal opinion. Everyone can give themselves the motivation they need to get through 2018. I know I'll certainly need lots of motivation to get through college and moving away from my mom for the first time. 2018 is gonna be a big year for most people and we are gonna need to get through it somehow.
However, you manage to survive 2018 do it responsibly and safely. Make sure to love and respect others and let God be the center of it all. He knows what 2018 holds for you and He will guide you through it all. Don't let the fear of a new year keep you from achieving your dreams.