“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” -Proverbs 3:5-6
In the midst of deciding whether to change majors, just beginning a new job and general life decisions, I turned to this verse. I would be lying if I said I haven't read this verse probably a thousand times, but one night it tore my heart up. I can remember sitting in my room crying at the God that shone through those words on the page. I had no idea what the next week would look like, but as I reflected on this verse I was struck with the notion that it is absurd to even consider to "lean on your own understanding."
We are defaulted as wicked creatures that are born with a desire for this world and the things of this world. We think the best for us is a high paying job, a fancy degree, a big house, a husband that will support you, children that will obey you and the list goes on and on. These verses, however, encourage believers to trust in God and His plan. Not only does God wish the best for His children, but He also knows everything, up to the very end of our stories. He knows what the book looks like when it's closed, He's written out our happy ending, and His ways will push us for the best, which is to bring glory to Him. On that night I understood that it’s beyond silly to even consider that the plans we have for ourselves are the best we can pursue! God has our lives mapped out, and it is guaranteed to be one heck of a ride!
What better way of acknowledging Him in all your ways than whenever you're helplessly anticipating change and you stumble upon this verse that promises a straight path carved out by the Creator of life itself. If these specific verses don't assure you that God is constantly writing your story and will use it for His good, then I encourage you to check out the Psalms. The Psalms are rich with scripture which states that the Lord directs the steps of the godly (Psalm 37:23), He holds them by the hand (Psalm 37:24), He's the one our souls cling to (Psalm 63:8) and our eyes look to Him for hope (Psalm 145:15). Therefore, whatever issue you’re anxious to dive head first into or whatever huge leap your life is about to take, just remember who’s by your side.