Looking through Trump's professional history, you see no sign of him being a great president for our nation. Sure he had his own TV show, but all he really said on it is, "You're fired!" He is a manchild who thinks money is everything and that he can pay everyone off to "forget" blunders he has said or done. I don't pay attention to the numbers, but I will recall everything he has done to degrade, threaten, or just downright hate on people, races, and LGBT Americans. Did his parents teach him nothing?
Who remembers Trump saying that he would date his own daughter if she wasn't his daughter? Ivanka was 15 years old at the time and that statement sounded liked something a pedophile would say. Seriously, how was he not jailed and investigated for that? Ivanka was highly uncomfortable, as would I if my father told me that. In fact, I would be in fear of my safety and alert the authorities.
Also, Donald is a horrible racist. He wants to build a wall and repeat history. Are we forgetting about the Berlin Wall already? Look at how great that turned out. Families were forcibly separated and many lives were torn apart. Another thing is that Trump wants to put badges on Muslims and refugees. Sound familiar? I wouldn't be surprised if all the solders pledge their loyalty to Trump and not our country. Actually they just might with the attention Trump's been giving them lately.
Another thing is his view on women. He would see the most beautiful woman to ever step foot on this earth and find a fault to point out to her. He would pick on their voice or their choice of clothes. Nothing will stop him from degrading us. He is convinced that men are more important than us and that we are just made to look pretty. If he were to become President our beloved nation would become doomed.