I can hear the moans and groans and feel the eye rolls coming on already. Before you roll your eyes so hard that they get stuck, just hear me out. Obviously there is already a pretty bad stigma out there about us "millennial's".
The most common; millennials are lazy.
Don't get me wrong, I love having a just "lay in bed all day" kind of day just as much as the next guy. However, I don't think that classifies all of us as "lazy" as a whole. Just because it doesn't take us as much time as someone else, doesn't make us lazy. We were taught to be problem solvers, and to find the answer in the quickest way possible. We all have our lazy moments, but I don't believe that's defined by generation.
Millennials are demanding and impatient.
We grew up in a world/society where technology is constantly evolving and coming out with something new basically every day. Basically and information we need, anyone we need to contact, or anything we want to post about, we can do in about 3 seconds. We were taught to be fast and efficient in order to adapt to the world around us that changes everyday; faster than any of us can keep up with.
Millennials are entitled.
Whether we all want to believe it or not, everyone has a little bit of entitlement in them. I don't think this always needs to be taken in such negative context. All generations, millennials to be more specific, were taught to work hard. In this generation, with so many negative stigmas against us, we sometimes have no choice but to work hard and prove ourselves.
All in all, there is good and bad everywhere. Not all of us are lazy, demanding, impatient or entitled. So, to all the millennials, I say embrace it. Every damn second. Share your thoughts with the world and don't be scared to have a voice. Take pictures. Of everything. I promise you'll want them later. Enjoy the fact that you can have information in a matter of seconds. Technology isn't going anywhere, you might as well enjoy it. Work hard for what you have, but don't think that means that the world owes you something. Be proud being a millennial. Whether you're looking at the good or the bad, there has never been a generation quite like ours.