I full heartedly believed in soulmates until November 2015.
I dated this boy in high school, and I thought we were so good for each other. I truly believed that we were soulmates. So cheesy, I know.
Long story short, we ended up breaking up once we went to college. We grew in different directions since we were not experiencing the same things as one another. We gave up on our relationship because neither of us chose to put it first. There was no surprise there. I even mentally prepared myself the summer before we left for school because multiple people told me it was bound to happen. Now, I'm not blaming this boy for the reason I no longer believe in soulmates. Our simply breakup helped me see why soulmates are a silly thing to believe in. Let me explain to you why.
In 2007, my parents got divorced. I was only 10 when this happened. That is a pretty awkward age to be when your parents get divorced. It's like you understand what a divorce is by definition, but your feelings are not developed enough to process exactly what that means. I did see what it meant for a love to be broken though. Two halves that made up a whole were no longer going to be bonded together.
Once I got older, I became saddened by the fact that my parents were divorced. All of my friends had amazing parents who were married! I saw the love they had for each other each and every day! Now, I continue to see those parents with great marriages, but I also see great marriages through my sisters and my best friend from high school. So why don't I still think soulmates exist when I have all of these great examples in front of me?!
Being in a relationship is more than just being able to "vibe with someone," but nobody ever told me that.
Being in a relationship means choosing that person every single day no matter how hard it can be at times. Once you fall in love with someone you have to choose to stay in love with them, especially in today's world. There are so many ways to get out of a relationship nowadays. It is so easy to just fall out of love with someone or to just simply give up on the relationship because you had an argument.
If soulmates existed, there would not be cheating and lying.
There would not be as many hurtful arguments and mean words thrown around.
There would not be a very high rate of divorces.
My roommate told me her theory on soulmates. She believes that you can have more than one soulmate in your lifetime. Hearing that sounds very crazy, but stay with this theory. She told me that since we are changing all the time, we can have more than one soulmate.
This is because who I was at 15 is not who I am at 20.
Sometimes my soulmate matches up with who I am at all stages of life, but not always. This explains why people get divorced or breakup. I really enjoy her theory because of how interesting it is. It helps to keep the magic of a soulmate alive but it also explains why sometimes it simply doesn't work out. I personally and wholeheartedly believe that everyone is meant to find someone you can tolerate for the rest of your life, and in the end, you choose to love them every single day regardless.