You’re either one, or the other: you can only take showers before you go to sleep, or you can only take one in the morning before you start your day. Personally, I haven’t really come across many people who can sway either way (although I’m sure there are a bunch of you out there who don’t mind taking a shower at either time of the day). Most times, I come across people who are either passionately in favor of taking it at night, or taking it in the morning. It’s the same kind of passionate response I see when people debate on whether they sleep with socks on or off (and let me tell you, that is a very serious topic. It can make or break a friendship, folks).
But back on the topic of showers, I’m here to say that I am in hardcore belief that they should taken at night.
Yes, that’s right: night showers are the right showers. Now, don’t be gettin’ all up in my grill if you’re devoted to taking a morning shower. But, like, IDK how you do it. That’s crazy. So, here are my reasons why I defend late showers over morning showers (because the differences are like night and day)!
10. Showering at night helps you de-stress from the day
9. Night showers means more time to sleep in the morning
I’m the kind of person that spends every possible minute in bed in the morning. Yes, I have my morning routine down to a science, and I’m not willing to get up a few minutes earlier just for the sake of a shower. No way.
8. It’s easier to go to the gym when you haven’t already showered that day
I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t imagine going to the gym after taking a shower. If that were the case and I took morning showers, odds are I wouldn’t wind up going to the gym at all. I mean, how does one do that? How can you take a morning shower, go to the gym, go about your day, and then go to bed at night, no shower included?
7. You can take all the time in the world
Since it’s nighttime, you have nowhere to be after this (aside from the loving bed that is so tenderly calling your name from your bedroom). Therefore, you can take all the time you want in the shower, no rush!
6. ...which means more time to think in the shower
I think most human beings have their best ideas in the shower. Isn’t that a proven fact? (probably not, but I jest). I don’t know about you, but shower-time equates to very important thinking time. And in the morning, I'm wayyyy too tired to use my precious time in the shower to think. Sure, you could be equally as tired at night and not think straight, but forcing yourself to think in the shower first thing in the morning just sounds like a cruel thing to do to yourself.
5. Nothing feels better than hopping into bed after getting squeaky-clean
Morning people, how in the world do you lay in bed at night without washing yourself of all the germs and grittiness you come in contact with during the day? Us night-shower-ers don’t need to worry about this. When we get in bed, we’re always nice and clean.
4. And always going to bed clean means you don’t have to wash your sheets as often!
Yeah, that’s right. Going to bed clean = cleaner sheets = less laundry. It’s simple math!
3. Morning showers means you start your day groggy and wet
No no, don’t gimme that “morning showers wake me up!” because I can get the same effect by splashin’ my face with water in the sink. If I were to take a morning shower, I’d just be like a dazed cat being thrown into water, and that’s not the way I wanna start my day.
2. At night, you have time to work on your hair after the shower
If you shower in the morning, not only do you have to factor in waking up early to actually take the said shower, but then you have to account for the fact that you need to make yourself look presentable after getting wet, as well. Who in the world has time for that?! No, sweetie. You deserve to sleep in.
1. Because there’s no better way to end your day than being naked and wet in nice hot water
Night-shower-ers, you know where it’s at. Nothing feels more relaxing than stripping down and getting all cozy warm in the shower before you hit the hay. You just can’t get that kind of satisfaction if you take your shower in the A.M.!