Each year comes to an end with the ball drop in Times Square, just like it has done for over a hundred years. Everyone anticipates the New Year as the past comes to a close, but it is in those 60 seconds before the clock strikes midnight in which your thoughts mean the most. Surrounded by friends and loved ones, give thanks to the past year for all good and the bad that has helped you grow and taught you valuable life lessons.
Reflecting on how the past year treated you will make it easier for you to find resolutions for the next 12 months, and quite possibly the rest of your life. Having time to think about how you can change what you did or did not like could really affect your views on resolutions and life goals for the upcoming year. Use these lessons to do more of what makes you happy, live life to the fullest, be inspired by others, and love unconditionally. Create a resolution that you feel confident about, otherwise, you might end up failing to achieve it.
The reason why most people fail to keep their New Years resolutions is that they create them on a whim and for the wrong reasons. They don’t fully understand the true meaning of what a resolution is nor do they have the confidence to fulfill one. A resolution is an answer to the question that you have been pondering. It is a goal that you strive for. It is a promise to better yourself in whatever way you can. Why become the better, healthier version of yourself? You deserve it. The sooner this realization hits that a reflection of who you were and who you want to become is the most important part of the New Years resolution process, the better. You don't want to have to wait your whole life for this realization to happen to you. Don’t let another year go by. Grab life by the horns. Focus on one thing you would like to change and do it. Why? Because you have people who believe in you. No matter where you turn, someone has got your back.
So let the countdown begin and take those moments to get to know yourself better and appreciate the life you have and the opportunity that you can build for yourself.