For the next few weeks, all of our social media feeds are going to be filled with the whole "New year, new me" motto. That's all well and good, but it's a lie. Every year, it's the same thing. We make up a bunch of new goals for ourselves trying to convince us that we are a different person than we were before the ball dropped to ring in the new year. By the middle of February, most of us have done broke half our resolutions. The fact of the matter is, you will continue to be the same person you were last year until you commit to change yourself. This is not a one and done type thing. You have to wake up every single day with the mentality of wanting to change yourself, wanting to better yourself. If you cannot make this commitment to yourself, you can't make it to anyone else either. Do it for you. Be a better person for you. You can put on a face all day long, but it is you who has to deal with yourself at night when you lay your head on your pillow. So do it. Change yourself. Be a better you. Be a stronger you. I had a really good friend this past year who decided to not eat chocolate for an entire year. AN ENTIRE YEAR. And she made it. She made it 365 days without eating anything containing chocolate. (Congratulations Lauren!!) She said no to every chocolate chip cookie, brownies, ice cream, everything that had chocolate in it. I have absolutely no idea how she made it, I really don't. But she did. Because she challenged herself on a daily basis, I have been able to witness her personal growth and strength. I believe that she came out a better and stronger person because of her decision. Be like Lauren. Make the commitment to yourself. Wake up every day challenging yourself to be a better you.