Writing an article about my sexuality saying why I never came out may not make a lot of sense, but work with me here. I think this is relevant to a lot of people questioning their sexuality and who aren't out yet.
I think I have known I was bisexual for a long time but continually hid it and never came out.
I have had reasons for why I haven't come out yet despite knowing and I am pretty sure other people have faced these reasons as well.
One reason I never came out is that I have been in a heterosexual relationship with a guy for a long time and may always be. I know this doesn't mean I can't be bisexual, but I also think people will judge me or think I want to cheat or am promiscuous if I came out while dating my boyfriend.
Another reason I never came out is that I have never dated a girl. Some people may wonder how I could know I am bisexual if I have never been with a girl and I have wondered this myself, but sometimes you just know.
I also fell into a bad way of thinking that a lot of teenage girls like to explore their sexuality but may settle into a different one. I didn't want people to think it was just a phase.
I also was scared that I might be wrong. Along with this stereotype of a phase, I didn't want to make a mistake and come out to people and then it actually be a phase. Although I feel really sure now, I don't want people to think I am the girl who cried wolf and not trust me.
I also just didn't want to put in the effort to come out to my family. I don't really know how they would take it, but I am scared to find out.
I undoubtedly have homophobic or at least conservative people in my life. This is another thing that has been holding me back. I don't want to face the shunning and judgment of coming out to these people just as much as I don't want to see how many people in my life are capable of that hatred.
Another reason is that I don't want people to think it changes me. I'll be the same person when I come out that I was before. It's not going to change who I am because it's always been who I am.
Another reason I have not come out yet is that I have been questioning my gender identity as well. I feel confident that I am not transgender but I also wish I could have more boy days and girl days and switch when I want to. I really want to be androgynous looking. This has kept me from coming out as I wanted to make sure to match my sexuality and gender identity terms.
You may have your own reasons to stay in the closet and they may be more critical than mine but despite all my reasons, I think I'm ready.
Have a gay day!