It seems in recent times there has been an uproar of feminist culture with more women and even men starting to support equal rights for all. Along with this movement, more women have started breaking down the stereotypes and stigmas of what society thinks a women should be. Women everywhere are no longer shaving their legs or armpits because they don't want to and don't think they should have to; some aren't wearing makeup because they no longer feel the need to enhance the beauty they already have. It's amazing.
Everyone is unique -- there's no denying that. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to celebrate who you are. However, there is something wrong with how a lot of people do it. The phrase "I'm not like other girls" has become increasingly popular with teens and young women and is often followed by them pointing out something they do that makes them "quirky" or "different." I know I've used it before in my life, and if you think hard enough, you've probably used it yourself or at least heard someone else say it. While this phrase may seem meaningless or just another one of those things people say, it's actually harmful to fellow women everywhere; here's why.
By using the phrase "I'm not like other girls" to start a conversation where you describe your attributes, you demean other girls and women. For example, a girl saying, "I'm not like other girls because I like to play video games," "I'm not like other girls because I like to read instead of shop," or "I'm not like other girls because I don't listen to pop music," can be seen as saying that she's better than other girls because she doesn't confine herself to what society thinks women should be like. And that's fantastic! Just because you're female doesn't mean you have to enjoy shopping or listen to pop music, but the second you think you're better than other women for it, we've got a problem!
By saying you're not like other girls because of something you do, you're saying that a woman who does do that is lesser than you. If you're a girl who plays video games, that's great, but it doesn't mean that you're better than a girl who has never picked up a gaming controller in her life. If you're a girl who doesn't wear make up, that's amazing, but it doesn't make you better than a girl who spends an hour putting it on in the morning. Doing something that isn't typically feminine does not make you better than any other woman in this world.
So why is getting rid of this phrase important? Women face enough discrimination and misogyny from men, they don't need to get it from fellow women as well. In order to make a change in this world women everywhere need to band together and lift each other up, not tear each other down to make themselves look better. So don't be someone who says, "I'm not like other girls because I do or don't do (fill in the blank)." Be someone who says, "I am a girl and I do or don't do (fill in the blank)!"