My latest obsession has been the show "One Tree Hill" or more specifically, Nathan Scott. I watch the show for hours and hours not just because it's amazing (which it is), but because I love swooning over Nathan. There are so many reasons why Nathan is the man of your dreams. He is cute, he loves his son, he is athletic, but most importantly, he loves his wife, Haley, more than anything else. Here are a few times he shows his exceptional love for her and his all around awesomeness.
When he asks Haley to marry him.
They were only 17-years-old when they got married, but they knew that they loved each other. Of course, Nathan has to go and be perfect and say that he could love Haley forever and that he wants forever to start now. All of my past experiences with 17-year-old boys have never been like this. Where's my Nathan?
When he stands between Haley and Jimmy Edwards' gun.
The school shooting episode was definitely one of the most intense episodes. Nathan wasn't even inside the school when Jimmy started holding people hostage, but he knew that Haley was inside, so he ran in to make sure she was OK. If that's not true love, then I'm not sure what is. Again, I ask, where's my Nathan?
When he made that free throw to win the game without even looking.
Most people know that athletes have their muscles trained so they can perform their best during games. However, I think that Nathan making this shot has nothing to do with muscle memory. This was just pure greatness.
Nathan Scott may be a fictional character on a TV show, but he's still the man of my dreams, and I'm sure plenty of other girls out there feel the same way as I do. We want someone to love us like Nathan loves Haley. I hope you can get that lucky one day.