11 Reasons Why Naps Are Beneficial! | The Odyssey Online
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11 Reasons I Learned Through Experience How Naps Are An Extremely Important Part Of Life

Never had I ever thought I would love taking naps as much I do now!


When I was in kindergarten, I could not fall asleep during nap time. Most of the kids in my class would be knocked out and then there's me, just laying their wandering off to space. Looking back at this memory, I wish I had taken advantage of being able to have nap time every single day. Whenever my friends would talk about how they took at nap when they got home, I could never relate to them. I used to feel like naps are a waste of time and I could be doing much better things then just sleeping for 30 mins. Even if I tried to take a nap, I would think about all the homework or tests and quizzes I needed to study for. Well, now I have finally learned why naps are actually beneficial for you and how relaxed you feel when you wake up from a nap.

Benefits your mental health

You will feel fresh and rejuvenated when you wake up from a small power nap. Everyone's brain needs a break when you come from school and trust me you will be able to get your assignment done fast!

Benefits your physical health


When someone does get enough sleep, it is evident through their face that they did not get enough sleep the night before. Those people have bags underneath their eyes and trust me the physical signs of lack of sleep aren't pretty. However, if you are not able to get that full 8-hour sleep, then taking a small nap will not hurt you. This will actually benefit you!

Improves your cognitive function

No one works well when they are tired especially your brain. Your brain needs to restart every once in a while so it's important you let your brain restart by taking these short naps. Even a 5-minute nap can benefit you!

Reduces your stress and anxiety

This is scientifically proven when you sleep, a chemical is released that fights all the destructive chemicals that release stress! Sleeping allows you to take a step back and give a new perspective on your problems, so that when you wake up you can start fresh.


Naps creates a positive mood. When kids miss their nap time, you notice how cranky, moody, and whiny they are. Well, believe it or not, this happens to everyone and just taking a short nap will fix all the grouchiness that you get from being sleep-deprived. In Psychology, I learned that serotonin is released when you are asleep. So, take as much naps as you need possible!

Napping can actually help with weight loss

Sleep is proven as one of the ways to reduce your weight. If you do not get enough sleep, then your body will retain its weight. I'm not saying only sleeping will help you lose weight, however it is crucial you sleep. Sleeping increases the metabolism is boosted. So the more naps you take throughout the day, the more likely you are going to lose some weight.

Cuddling while napping

Grab a comfy blanket, turn on Netflix and let yourself relax and fall asleep!

An escape from reality

Who doesn't want an escape from reality and the best way to do that is take a power nap! You can put a pause on reality and step back from your busy life for awhile.

Nap= increases activeness

Naps can bring your focus back on something that you never thought of. Naps allow you to generate new ideas and creativity!

Saves money from getting coffee

Instead of you spending al your money on coffee every morning, why don't you take a small nap during the day so that you don't have to spent your money on coffee or other drinks?

Improve your attitude

This fixes your mood since you get more sleeping breaks throughout the day!

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