I awoke with a sudden jolt. The sound of my name being endlessly beat against my eardrums, and the pungent smell of sharp, molten plastic filled my nostrils. My sister hastily turned the knob and came running through my slightly open bedroom door, making all of the bags and belts hanging from the door clunk against the full length mirror. A makeshift barricade that separated my teenage angst from what my fifteen year old brain thought was a white picket fenced in world. I sat up in a split second to see her red face and watering eyes. She told me she had set the microwave on fire, and I quickly commanded her to stay in my room reminding her of the french doors she could escape through if the house became engulfed in flames. I raced around the corridor looking to save my dog and assess the damage.
I was relieved to see tat there was no mountain sized fire threatening my family's home, just a small sandwich drenched in a melted wrapper, enclosed in a beeping microwave. I started to feel drowsiness creep into my body and yawned as i let her I let her calm down before explaining to her that she had done nothing wrong and everything would be all right.
That’s when I realized that sometimes sisters let their guards down to let their sibling know when something is truly wrong. Sometimes we need to put on a brave face in attempts to protect each other. Sometimes we can look back on memories and laugh and sometimes we keep each others gross secrets. Having a sibling is something magical. An inseparable bond is created. Each sibling relationship is different and holds its own value. Smaller age gaps and larger age gaps create different qualities within sisterhood that sometimes aren't found in friendship. Remembering anecdotes like this one have helped me to truly understand that my sister is just as fragile as I am, regardless of her true personality.Our little fights over which movie to watch, or where to get dinner, or who's turn it is to walk the dog? They don't matter, we will always come back to each other to find the love we value most, and hear the nicknames we pretend to hate but secretly love to hear.