While she may not have been the women who has brought me into this world, she was right there when it happened, and has been there ever since. Meet my nana, who also happens to be my best friend.
Aside from her witty and sometimes offensive comments on Facebook and other forms of social media (she uses Twitter more than I do), Nana is caught up with the millennial lifestyle, from the constant trends that are happening, to talking about actors in movies for hours.
I'm fortunate enough to have my best friend be my Nana even to this day. Before leaving for college, I was able to go to my Nana’s at any given time of the day and be welcomed in with delicious food, treats and small dogs. While some may avoid talking to their grandparents about certain topics, my Nana and I can lay everything on the table from political debates to when Leonardo DiCaprio should have won the Oscar. Through thick and thin this woman has always been there for me, and, fortunately enough, she's also my family.
I owe a lot to my Nana, I do; whether it was going out for dinner on a Wednesday night or helping me pay for my college tuition, she has done everything and anything for me without blinking an eye. She has comforted when my heart has been broken, but has also cheered me on when I succeed in my dreams. She became another parent, mentor and overall best friend.
Some of my most cherished memories have been spent with my Nana, whether it was taking on a Disney park or singing Christmas carols for hours on end in the car. You name it, we’ve done it. Not only have we created memories, but she has taught me many life lessons throughout my life. From baking, trying to teach me to mend my pants and how to get my car started, Nana is the know-it-all. You couldn’t sit and watch a game show without Nana blurting out the answer first. The ongoing joke is she’ll make the family money one day from all the facts she has on demand.
I love my Nana more than anything and anyone in this world (aside from my mother, of course). There’s nobody I would rather spend texting and calling all day than her. She makes me laugh louder than any comedian, and can comfort me better than anybody I know. I don’t know what do with her when she makes offensive comments, but man, I don’t know what I would do without her. I should keep a record of things she says, and couldn’t keep track how many times she has sent me pictures of the dogs.
I’m proud to call my Nana my best friend and my family. She’s one hell of an adventure to be around, but it's even better to go on an adventure with her.