In this day and age mental illnesses seem to be almost anywhere on the internet. Technology makes it easier for those of us who deal with mental illnesses to come clean with it. Support is everywhere and the internet reassures us that we are not alone.
Over this summer I was diagnosed with anxiety and mild depression. In the beginning, I thought that this meant there was something wrong with me. I am just wired different than those around me. In fact, I see my mental illnesses as my strengths and not my weaknesses.
As a child I was always a worrier and as I went through puberty, I got worse. I thought that it was just to the raging teenage hormones in my body, but as adulthood grew closer it kept getting worse. There are times I can remember when I would cry because I didn't want to go to school, not because I didn't like school, but simply I could come up with a million different ways the day could go wrong. It didn't get any better when the stress of high school hit. There were days when I faked being sick simply because I was too anxious to go to school. I wasn't very worried about the constant worried feelings until halfway through my senior year. That's when I began to open up to friends about how I felt, and if it weren't for those friends I wouldn't be where I am today.
Today things are better because I know why I randomly get anxious or sad and I am learning how to deal with it. No, I am not cured, this will be something I will deal with for the rest of my life, but I am better. Coming to terms with it an opening up to friends and family was the biggest and most helpful step in this process. Now, I am medicated for the anxiety which helps keep me calm and I am learning to cope with the mild depression.
The most important thing is to keep positive, even though at times it is extremely hard to do. That is why I call my mental illnesses my strengths and not my weaknesses. I have learned that I feel more deeply than the average person, but there is nothing wrong with that. Since I feel more, I can help more. I understand when my friends are going through rough times and I feel as if I am able to help them cope. Quite honestly the anxiety and depression makes me a more understanding person and I like helping those around me. I no longer see these as problems, they are just what makes me unique.
Chances are you reading this know someone who deals with a mental illness whether you know about it or not. Do not pity these people, but instead help them learn that they are not alone in the fight. Help them find their positives and most of all reassure them that they will get through this.