Lately I have found myself lacking motivation or inspiration to write a new article. I guess you could say I have had an extreme case of writer's block. So as I was brainstorming what to write about this week, I started to ask myself what made me what to be a writer in the first place. Where did my inspiration come from? What sparked my passion for writing? The answer was clear and simple. It was not a what that sparked my passion, but rather, a who that sparked my passion. It may sound cliche, but my High School English teachers are the reason I wanted to become a writer. But these ladies were more to me than just my English teachers. They will forever hold a special place in my heart that no one else can fill, and here is why.
They were also my mentors.
They were two people who I respected and looked up to. They gave me advice and guidance beyond what a normal teacher would give. They were not only loved and respected by me, but they were loved and respected by ALL of their students. They had personal relationships with every student they taught and they left a mark on every person who stepped foot into their classroom. They actually WANTED to get to know who we were, what we loved, and what we wanted to do with the rest of our lives. They understood that the world was big after High School and it was their job to prepare us in ways that other teachers never did. They cared about us in school and out of school because they knew that High School sucked at times and we also had a life outside of the classroom. They supported their students and what they were passionate about. They encouraged us to pursue those passions. They went to our football games, band concerts, theater shows, orchestra concerts, and basketball games. They cheered us on and pushed us to be the best version of ourselves. Both of my English teachers were there for me when I need help or advice or was going through a hard time because they knew that life happens and they were always there to help guide us along the way.
My High School English Teachers were loved by all of their students.
It is true, everyone LOVED Mrs. White, aka Lemon, and Ms. G, even people who were not in their class loved them. They loved them because they were just cool. Like way cooler than any other teachers at Rockwall High School. They were the teachers that everyone wanted to have. Some kids would take AP English when they knew the class was going to be difficult just to have them because they are not only amazing teachers, but also amazing people. They were known for giving everyone in their class a nickname. Not just any nickname, but the coolest nicknames. You would fill out a sheet all about you and they would take the time to sit down and read all of them and get to know you so they could give you your very own customized nickname that they would only call you by for the rest of the year. It was little things like that that made them stand out as being exceptional teachers. Students also loved their class because they did not just hand out worksheets and make you take multiple choice tests. They actually taught us. They did not just teach us about literature and how to write, they taught us how the world works and what makes humanity good, bad, evil, chaotic, twisted, exciting, new, old, and beautiful and they taught us how to take what they taught us and transform it into beautiful writing. Even students who hated writing learned how to write amazing essays in their class because they taught us more than just how to read and write, they taught us how to be better students and better people.
My High School English Teachers gave me my love for literature.
Sure, I loved to read more than the average person before High School, but before I took their class I was reading books like the Harry Potter series or The Hunger Games. Now there is nothing wrong with those books; in fact I still love reading them, but my High School English teachers gave me my love for real literature. Now, do not get me wrong, I am still reading books like Harry Potter and always will, but it is because of them that I discovered my love for authors such as John Steinbeck, William Faulkner, and Aldous Huxley. They introduced me to some of my favorite books and plays such as The Stranger and Hamlet. And they also recommend many, many books to me that I read or am in the process of reading. Needless to say, their love of literature impacted me and created my love for literature too.
My High School English Teachers gave me my love for writing.
And not just because they taught me how to write a good essay, but because they taught me how to tell an amazing story. They taught me how to research and collect facts for my essays. They taught me how to analyze and look at the whole story through different lenses. They taught me how to improve my writing each and every time I wrote something and they truly shaped me into the writer that I am today. It is because of them that I found what I was truly passionate about and they helped me turn my passion into a dream, a major, and soon to be a career. If it was not for them, I would not be sitting here writing this article. If it was not for them, my stories and my articles would not be published. If it was not for them, I would not have found an amazing platform to be writing for. If it was not for them, I would not have discovered my passion. If it was not for them, I would not have discovered my dream.
Some people say it only takes one teacher to make a difference in a student's life and education. For me, I had two teachers that made the difference for me. So thank you Rockwall High School for hiring the two best teachers that you have in that school. And thank you Mrs. White and Ms. G for making all the difference in my life and other student's lives too. Thank you for helping me discover my passion, and thank you for all that you do. I will never ever forget you.