My friends are relatively intelligent people. They take honors and AP classes and are amazing additions to the human race. But they're also some of the dumbest people I know.
They think they aren't worthy of love. They think that because of things that have happened or people who have hurt them that they don't deserve a soul mate or a happily ever after. They are excellent, magnificent, lovely people who don't believe me when I say that one day someone will love them so hard that the fact that they struggle to get out of bed sometimes will be irrelevant.
My friends think they aren't beautiful. All of their features are vastly different. Their eyes are different fascinating ends of the color spectrum. Their body types are not the same. Some of them make the oompa loompas look like the Jolly Green Giant and some of them will always be able to hold things miles above my head. My friends are gorgeous. They are remarkably beautiful and anyone who doesn't believe me is welcome to fight me. My friends have gorgeous souls and good hearts and their faces are delightful and I love them fiercely.
My friends think they genuinely are dumb. This article's title is wildly inaccurate. My friends are brilliant. Whenever I learn something. I test my understanding by attempting to teach it to someone else. If I can explain it and understand it when I'm teaching it to someone else, then I know I understand it myself. My friends are my Annie Sullivans. They edit my writing and check my math homework. They take difficult classes and challenge themselves and they meet the challenges admirably. Two of my best friends are taking AP U.S. History with one of the most aggravating teachers I've ever encountered and my other friend is taking AP Calc. AP CALC! I'm taking Pre-Calc this year because I put it off last year. SHE'S LIKE A MATH WIZARD! Anyway, my friends are intelligent. We debate things like the election and foreign policy and how many bananas is too many bananas because humans can't handle a heck of a lot of potassium.
My friends think they bother me with their problems. Hint hint, they don't. I live to help people. I did all my Christmas shopping already because I want to give them good gifts this year. I want to help people really badly. I want to be able to give them breakup brownies and hugs and love and support and I really love my friends, okay?
My friends are dumbest when they think they don't deserve life, when they think that no one cares. Um, I care. Life doesn't deserve my friends. They have beautiful souls and amazing hearts and they are going to be wildly successful in whatever field they choose to go into. My friends add so much more joy to the world just by breathing in it. The world is undeserving of their talents and kindness. They need to stay on this Earth because they're going to cure it of its problems. My friends deserve the absolute best out of life. They deserve loving relationships, happy homes, and good food. They deserve a million Christmas mornings and infinite birthdays. And if life won't give it to them, then I will.