Dreaming is a very fascinating phenomenon. It is a topic in which very little has been discovered though much progress has been made over the years. That being said, from my knowledge, understanding, and experience, I have come to believe that when we sleep, all resistance resides, and we temporarily escape and can tune to the pure non resistant energy that lives within us. We can learn a lot by studying our dreams because it shows us where our thoughts have been focusing on in our awakened state, and can also lead to great insights and messages. My dream last week brought me exactly that.
Starring out into the dusk, with tall mountains covered in lush green grass on either side, I thought to myself "I want to fly."
"But wait!", my logical mind turned on.
"If I do that, I may fall."
I paused for a moment and looked out at the tall luscious mountain in the far distance, covered with houses twinkling in the night, as though it was adorned with white christmas lights.
"But I'm dreaming, so I can do anything! I'm limitless!" I leaped as far out as I could.
I hovered over the ground for just a moment before souring up into the air. I starred below, marveling at the majestic town that was below me. Grinning ear to ear, I was in awe of my surroundings in this surreal yet conscious state. I twirled in the air, giddy with excitement about the beauty, awareness, and insights I was receiving.
Hovering over the town below, like the scene from The Nightmare Before Christmas, I received the message that this dream was not much different than life. I'm not saying I woke up the next day and tried to fly, but if there was no resistance or subconscious limiting beliefs, we could attract whatever it is that we desire and focus on with ease. The journey to our dreams and desires could really be as fun and effortless as flying in a dream.
We have these beliefs that in order to get something big that we want, we have to do a lot of hard work, and push through all of the obstacles and struggles that come up. What if those obstacles and struggles are just manifested resistance and limiting beliefs that resides within us? What if we let go of the resistance and had a different belief? What if we trusted our inner guidance and the natural laws of the universe to intuitively guide us effortlessly to our dreams? What if we believed that life was but a dream?