When it comes to boys, I haven't exactly had the best of luck.
However, when it comes to dogs, I've been way too lucky. I've had three dogs in my life, and two of them are still alive. All three of my dogs have been so different in several ways, but they all have one thing in common: they're 10X better than any boy I've ever met. I may be stretching the truth with that just a little, but I can say for a fact that I've never loved a boy quite like I love my dogs.
I grew up in a "dog family," and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. My dogs have made most of our holiday cards, have a spot on the couch over my dad (sorry dad), and have probably made the background of my parent's phones more than I have. A majority of our family dinner conversations revolved around my dogs, and sometimes I think my parents like my dogs more than me. My dogs are treated like any other family member, and are personified in ways that can seem a bit creepy. With this being said, it's no surprise that I would think my dogs are (sometimes) better than boys.
The first reason I believe this is because they will always be loyal. No matter what I do, my dogs will always be there to greet me at the door, or nudge me to wake me up in the morning. After the countless times of accidentally stepping on their tails, screaming at them to shut up when they bark at the neighbors, and shutting them in the basement while guests are over, they will always love me. My dog's love for me is the definition of unconditional love, and if that's not one of the the best feelings in the world, I don't know what is.
Another reason is that I believe my dogs have a sixth sense. Being an overdramatic teenage girl, I've had my fair share of mental breakdowns and temper tantrums. Whenever my dog sees that I'm upset, she immediately comes over and lays her head on me. I don't know one human, let alone one boy who could comfort me better than my dog. It amazes me that other than a few words, dogs don't understand the human language, but can somehow understand human emotions better than we can understand our own emotions.
A petty reason that I believe my dogs are better than boys is that my dogs lives revolve me (and the rest of my family), so I always feel like the center of attention when I'm around them. Always wanting to be the center of attention is narcissistic and not something to strive for, but I'll be the first to admit that I'm not going to complain when I am. My dogs give me their undivided attention, and sometimes, that's all I want.
My last reason is that dogs are way better at cuddling. I'm the type of person that hates snuggling more than anything, but I will never pass up the opportunity to do so with my dogs. Since my dogs are extremely spoiled, I always let them jump up on my bed to snuggle. I believe that there is nothing more comforting than when my dog rests their head on my chest, even if they do have bad breath and give sloppy kisses.
Being away at college has made me realize how amazing it is to have dogs in my life since I don't get to be around them as much as I would like. I would give anything to have my dogs to comfort me during my next mental breakdown, or cuddle me before bed each night (even if my comforter at school is white). I'm truly blessed that my dogs make it so hard for boys to compete with them.