I joined my sorority almost two years ago. There are so many things I'm thankful for, so many things I have learned, and so many opportunities that I have had in just two years. Becoming a part of this amazing group of women was one of the best decisions that I have ever and will ever make. My chapter is one of the most important additions to my life, and continues to evolve me into the person I want to be. This group of women can make me feel like I can conquer anything that I set my mind to. These are just a few of the many reasons why this group of women is so important to me.
1. The support system
I can't get over how much of a support system I have. It is so incredible that anytime of the day or night I can always text or call someone when I need them, so I'm never alone. It's the most comforting feeling that at 1am if I'm balling my eyes out that I will have so many sisters that will be there for me. If something great happens they're right there cheering you on.
2. The leadership opportunities
How awesome is it that an organization can give you the opportunity to have so many different leadership roles? For me I absolutely love that I have the opportunity to give back so much to a group of women who have done so much for me. When I joined my chapter I felt like I joined something so much bigger than I ever thought. And I love that I have the opportunity to give back, to do things that will show how important that this is chapter is to me.
3. The family
It's having a second family that will be there for you no matter what. The constant passion that goes into the chapter, and constant love each sister has for the other. You feel like your safe, and loved just like with your family at home. You laugh together, you help each other, you raise each other up when they're down. It's so comfotable, its a huge family that loves you no matter what. You spend so much time together that when your apart you miss them.
4. The help
I love that whenever I need help with scheduling, or homework there is always someone that can help. And when your struggling in your major, the ones that are almost graduating will make sure that you know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Just being part of such an amazing organization helps me push myself, and makes me want to work harder to be the best I can.
These are only a few of so many reasons why my chapter is so important to me. I am so thankful to have found them. They mean so much to me and have given me more than I could have ever imagined. I love that I can give back and show them why they are so important to me, and they always will be.