To everyone out there, it's okay to admit that your significant other is also your best friend. Yes, a good majority of my time is spent with my boyfriend but I wouldn't want it any other way. I think it is truly a blessing that you can find someone to share your laughter, tears, joy, frustrations, and all the other emotions in between with. It's nice to have a good support system and someone who believes in you when you feel like you're down in the dumps. Someone who tells you your beautiful when you feel like absolute crap, so why wouldn't I want to spend my time with him?
My boyfriend has become my best friend. He is someone I trust and someone I can confide in. He makes me laugh when I thought I'd just be in tears for hours (sometimes I make him laugh too). He may not understand me 100 percent but let's be honest, neither do I.
Here are five reasons why my significant other is my best friend.
1. He puts up with all my crap.
Since wanderlust is a current feeling I have, sometimes, I have some pretty crazy ideas. He listens to all I say, and sometimes he laughs at me but he doesn't make me feel any less for wanting to go on adventures, adding some decorations to his place, or going for an ice cream run late at night.
2. He gets my sense of humor, and I get his. He can find a way to always make me laugh.
I never used to think I was funny, he has opened up new doors for me to understand what I truly find funny and what I don't. Some how he always has a way of making me laugh in the worst and the best situations. Whether it's over something silly, driving in the car after having jet lag, or using sarcasm, he just makes me so happy.
3. He allows me to grow into a better version of myself every day.
I have never met someone more supportive of my dreams. Instead of saying "no that's silly" he encourages me to grow and change everyday. Whether that is a change in career or friend groups, he always gives me his unbiased opinion and lends me advice on what I should do. Regardless of what decision I choose, he always has my back.
4. He is my cheerleader.
He supports me, and encourages me to pursue any dreams I have. He cheers for me when I have bad days and when I feel super emotional. I think I've broken down any walls of discomfort that he had when dealing with tears, because he now knows exactly what to do. He gives me support even when he knows I'm not exactly in the right, but he always gives me the benefit of the doubt. If I doubt myself, he makes me feel like the complete opposite, encouraged and ready to conquer the world. He has given me many resources as well in order to succeed, and for that I am so grateful.
5. He loves me for me and he accepts all my friends and family with arms wide open.
They say your friends know best. If they like your significant other then you're in the clear. Passing the dad test is also a sign sent from the gods. When they welcomed him and he welcomed them, I knew it would be just fine. He treats every one of my family and friends with respect and I do the same. Without them I would not be who I am today, so, because he loves me I'm glad he loves them.