For this week's article I want you to take a moment and think of your favorite song. That song that you constantly sing in your head. You know every lyric and every beat and no matter how many times you play the song you will never get tired of it. You love that song so much, but have you really thought about why you do? Is it the beat, the lyrics, the message or does it bring back a specific memory in your life? When we listen to music we tend to forget why we love the track as much as we do. We don't appreciate it the way people used to years ago. Sometimes people don't even listen to the lyrics and they only listen to the noise in the background completely missing the message and true beauty of the song. There is so much more to music than we think.
For me music is many things. Music is my escape. When I dance music helps me take a step back from my life and forget everything going on and just dance. Or when I am in a bad mood I can just put my headphones on and just relax. When people say, "Headphones on, world out" it's true. Sometimes tuning everything and everybody out is the best therapy. Nothing beats finding that one song that completely relates to your mood and playing it on repeat.
While music can be an escape it can also bring back memories. We all have a song that reminds you of something or someone. You hate the song yet you listen to it constantly because it reminds you of them. You may not miss that person but you miss the fun times and now you can't listen to music without being constantly reminded of them. However, it doesn't just have to bring back sad memories it can remind you of happy ones as well.
Music is such a powerful thing. It is so powerful some people compare it to magic. We don't realize this but without music life would be so boring. We listen to music with our friends and family. It brings people together! (tbh you gain major brownie points if we like the same music). I could list off so many quotes about what music truly is but to me music is what feelings sound like. This is because when words fail music truly speaks to you. Every beat, lyric, note etc, has a meaning and that is what makes music beautiful. Every great song tells a story and sometimes just listening can help someone finish writing their own life story. Music helps so many people and maybe the next time you hear a song on the radio you'll truly listen and I hope it speaks to you like how it does to me.