A melody and harmony of a song grasped the attention of an individual by the balance of its natural quality.
Many people would think that music is the inspirational, extrinsic motivation of art that could influence the listener to achieve a desire based on the theme and rhythm of the song. This art can help build an imagination of a person’s lifestyle through thoughts of their life experience. Music could also be another way to inform a message or story, which could draw a connection to the listener’s personality and characteristic of a similar event. Your personality is guided by your mind that will send neurotransmitters as a response to what’s been heard. Your mind could be filled with positive feedback from music, which could navigate you through an obstacle, particularly when you are driving every day to a destination and obeying all road regulations and traffic laws. This art can also teach people the morals and/or lessons of life by the lyrics or message of the song. The harmony and melody can be very quiet or loud that it can powerfully change the emotionally mood swing of the listener. The voice of music can have a very powerful impact to an individual as a moment that could take their breath away. The reality of this art is that it could always get people thinking about something to endure or strive for. This idea could give a sign of relief to a listener after a hard day’s work by mentally focusing on the joy aspect of it. Sometimes music can also extinguish the negative feeling of one’s day such as depression, sadness, and anger.
However, music can always carry on the some part of your legacy that falls perfectly aligned with the singer and/or instrumentalist. The expectations of both desires will never change because of what the audience is capable of doing whether it’s a music career or not. This idea can change the fabric of reality by repeatedly ingraining the reminders of songs performed by many artist, who has never lost hope for people to follow. The stories of music could one day help a listener understand their own based on how different their lifestyle is in comparison to the theme of the song. Albums of a music can mark the chapters of an artist’s life fiction or nonfiction to highlight some unique characteristic that could stick out in a person’s desire.
Music could be a cure to the mind, which could later change the soul of a person.