"Welcome to college, mom!"
Whether your mom comes from out of state, or just down the road from the lovely city of Oxford, mom's weekend holds a special place in many peoples' hearts. For the next 48 hours, your mom gets to experience exactly what you do here on weekends (well... most of it).
Having your mom at college is one of the greatest ideas that has ever been proposed. Dad's weekend is great too, don't get me wrong. But there's something about having the woman that birthed you in the place that's shaping you, kind of cool.
Not only do you get to take her to all the hotspots on town (Brick) but you also get to introduce them to all your friends, sisters, enemies and foes. You can give them the honest lowdown, and they won't protest because they're your mom and they believe most of everything you tell them. You hit the town, you get free meals, you laugh and you're doing it all alongside the most important woman in your life. How incredible is that? Plus, you're doing it all in the town that you're calling home for four years, which is the cherry on top.
When your mom comes to town, she gives you a reason to flaunt your life here, a cheerleader in every regard that no matter who you introduce her to, or what she thinks about your current midterm grades, having your mom walk on your school's campus leaves a sentimental value behind that makes it a little more like home.
She offers to clean your disastrous room, do your piles of laundry, buy endless amounts of groceries, and then at the end of the day won't say no to a night on the town. What is better than your mom?
She is caring and loyal. She radiates love and support. She buys things for you that your bank account simply can't afford.
Your friends talk about how much they love your mom, and you think to yourself how lucky you are you have the coolest, most beautiful mom.
She kills it on the dance floor, hitting moves harder than you could ever imagine. She's up for anything, even staying up until 2 a.m. which hasn't been done for a long long time.
This woman is your very own Wonder Woman. She is there for you, next to you when you're down to get down, and all she wants to do is support you. There is no love in the world like the love from your mama. I could not imagine not having her just the way she is, because if she wasn't, I definitely wouldn't be nearly as happy as I am to have her as my very own mom.
She gives me reason to work hard every day and to put my whole heart into things. She is selfless, radiant, and a total goofball.
She gives the sun a run for its money with the light she brings to this world, to my world.
She is my leading lady, my number one, my light in the dark and the gal that will be giving me beef about something or another for years and years to come.
Mom's weekend will forever be one of the greatest weekend's during the school year. You get to flaunt your mom, get all dressed up (or snuggled in bed with popcorn and Netflix) doing anything or nothing. All with your favorite human, that has given you everything.